Happy (and bloody) birthday

We're settled in, well 95% anyway. Still sorting out the plumbing and going nuts looking for things
My DH keeps losing his tools, I lost my cigarettes 3 times during the move
It was chaos, but I'm glad we're here, finally. A wonderful friend of ours is coming round to help us with the plumbing today.
MIL lives very close to us now, but she's only been round once so far. I managed to avoid her most of the time, except last night when I went to visit my chickens and ran slap into her, in a foul mood. Ran off, made a coffee while I waited for the coast to clear and then had my coffee in the chicken run with the chicks pecking my backside and trying to steal a slurp every time I put my cup down. Bliss.
We now need to wait until next week Saturday for the cheque to clear at the bank, then we're gong to renew DH's passports and when that's done we can go. I'm getting exited, but it's going to be a few weeks still.
I am blessed with a DH who doesn't mind me ranting about his horrible mother. Sometimes he rants along with me
But seriously, she has a habit of talking before she thinks and saying exactly what's on her mind. Recently we asked the above mentioned friend to take us to the next town for business, as neither of us has a reliable car at the moment. MIL told my friend he's "disgusting", because he is poor. I didn't know what to say to him, but to his credit he took it well and still comes round, though he said her days of getting help from him is over!
Hah. Thank goodness for the chickens! I find them to be very soothing also and good company. My hens are very uncomplicated creatures. It's all about the food! They don't even try to pretend. Anything for treats!

I figure there's a pretty good chance that I will be a MIL one day, so am taking careful notes on how not to act. Do not make insulting comments and pretend you are joking. Gifts are not actually gifts when strings are attached. Remember, your son is not your personal slave. Try to wait at least 15 minutes before changing your mind. The parents make decisions for your grandchildren. Do not say nasty things about other family members. Do not invite yourself to stay for the weekend on Friday. Do not manipulate; say what you need outright. Do not be the center of your own universe.

The last one about covers it all. I have a very good tutor.

Hope your plumbing gets fixed. Grew up in an area that lost power every winter. Appreciate not having to haul muddy water from the creek to flush the toilet!

The thought of moving makes me sick. Not the most organized person around, and 3rd generation pack rat, so I have a lot of useless stuff taking up space.

You, however, are moving on to greener pastures, so well worth the effort. Hope things go smoothly!
Very cool! So "ddrwg" is something like "droog"? Or does double d have a different sound? I only know a few things like Siobhan is said "Shivawn" so I'm sure some of the actual consonants are pronounced differently.

At least you think I speak English! Had some family friends that were English, constantly gave me grief over my "dreadful" American accent. "Do you want a cup of wadder?"
I would often loose the thread of the conversation because of colloquialisms or obscure (to me) references, and be too embarrassed to ask what they meant. I'm sure I came off as being a bit mentally deficient at times! English is often a foreign language to me!
"ddrwg" ... well,dd is a th sound like in "the" (NOT like in "thistle"), so it's more like "throog"

teasing about accents is common, I wouldn't worry about it! LOL
"ddrwg" ... well,dd is a th sound like in "the" (NOT like in "thistle"), so it's more like "throog"

teasing about accents is common, I wouldn't worry about it! LOL
You lost me
Lynda: My MIL can learn some lessons and she is now, with everyone getting absolutely fed-up. I don't know what goes on in her head some days, really
I always try to just keep quiet if I don't have anything good to say. Like what's that saying again? I read it somewhere... Before you speak, ask your self, is it necessary, is it true, is it kind? (Or something along those lines) Lovely thing to keep in mind!
Lynda: My MIL can learn some lessons and she is now, with everyone getting absolutely fed-up. I don't know what goes on in her head some days, really
I always try to just keep quiet if I don't have anything good to say. Like what's that saying again? I read it somewhere... Before you speak, ask your self, is it necessary, is it true, is it kind? (Or something along those lines) Lovely thing to keep in mind!

Hah! My mom always used to tell us "If you don't have anything nice to say, then SHUT UP!"
She was a pretty good MIL, though.

My MIL has calmed down quite a bit over the years, at least when I'm around. Guess I'm a lot like my mom! On a serious note, if your MIL's behavior is a recent change, she could be having a medical problem.

Also realized that in making my list of rules, I probably broke a couple of them, and it will come back to bite me some day.

Happy flushing (hopefully)!
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No, MIL's been like this for as long as I've known her (7 years). She does have health problems, but I think she is what she is and she's enjoying it. I'll just ignore her while we're here, stay polite... We'll be out of here soon.
We now have a working loo and running water in the kitchen, thanks to my friend, who brought plumbing bits and a pair of willing hands today. I'm so grateful for his help. It was a crazy week and he's been here for us all the way. I'm going to miss him and his wife when we go. I'm trying to get him to join this site and I think after today he'll at least have a look. I told him I've been talking about him here! It was chickens that sparked our friendship too. He bought some hatching eggs from me and since then I've been helping him build his own flock. He's also going to get my very special chickens, like my roo, Heide, when we go. I know he'll take good care of them.
Gosh, what a day, again!! The guy who bought our farm came round today, asking my DH why we haven't moved yet. Apparently the transfer finally went through last week Friday and the lawyer who was supposed to give us 2 days warning didn't tell us! So we had to get going quick. We moved half our stuff (luckily we're staying across the road by MIL for now) and tomorrow is cleared for chaos. Well, I'm happy the sale's finally through, after a ridiculous delay and we can finally get going
Glad things are moving in the right direction for you! I don't know if I might have access to some property sites that you don't, but if you need any help let me know!
Thank you! I've been looking at daft.ie a lot, as they seem to have most of the properties listed that we're interested in, but I'm sure there are many more that we're not seeing. Most agents seem to only list the more expensive properties on their sites. I'm trying to figure out where the cheapies are hiding LOL. I found one agent with some very nice properties, but I've just started, there must be more... somewhere.

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