Happy day in the battle against fox !


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 26, 2013
Fox will no longer get my chickens lost
My favorite rooster and 5 hens after this morning
Fox has been picked off yeaaaaa hunting rifle
I'm so happy today! 3 feet from run! Bye fox you'll
Make a lovely coat!!!!!! I was sitting on porch
On i phone checking out BYC then heard flock
Doing the panic cluck ran out back and there
He was trying to squeeze under fence thanks BYC
Must have been karma lol yeaaaaa time to
Free range again girls!!!
I just saw our fox buddy walking around the chicken run. Time for the electric fence! They are so quick, tkodad, you must be good (and fast) shot!
Lol valk I keep the gun next to the door !
His butt was sticking up with his head trying
To get under fence got him from the bedroom
Window the misses didn't appreciate it much !
Good morning honey!
Oh and good luck ink heart I found a .223
Does wonders for fox control lol
Hah, I bet she was awake after that! My hubby dispatched a skunk the other night, right between the eyes. I was luckier than your missis, I didn't hear a thing!
Lol valk she was mad and happy at the same time
And my thoughts exactly live free just don't mess
With my chickens ! Hope you get-em!

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