Happy Holidays Fellow BYC Peeps! 2020

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  • Because I felt the xmas spirit! :)

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  • I was hungry "Any food here?"

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Feb 28, 2020
Australia, QLD
Happy Holidays!

Hello fellow BYC peeps! Tis the season to be jolly...yes! It's our favourite time of the year! Christmas! I love xmas, and wish you all lovely holidays this year!

It's true - this is my first year of xmas on BYC
! So, I'm super hyped, and wanted to do something special for you all! A xmas BYC thread! I have decided that I may as well start up a tradition, that I post a thread like this each xmas holiday :). This thread should be all about spreading the love and the beauty of the Christmas spirit! I think we can all agree...this year has been...different. Many things happened this year - some good, the majority, not so good. Like covid, that was tough - and still is! Many people are suffering or are effected in some shape or form from the virus. I hope you all are safe and well:hugs! Merry Christmas everyone! :wee

We are so lucky to have an amazing owner of this website: @Nifty-Chicken .Lucky for us, he has given us and early xmas prezzie!
This year, we have been really good
! Our early prezzie is new reaction emojis! There is a Informative one:
and a love heart (replaces the love eyes reaction):
love heart.png

I think they are really cool! It was great to have a little change! I can see everyone using them! ;) Thanks @Nifty-Chicken , and everyone who supported the idea! :)
New reaction selection:
Screenshot_20201202-155522_BackYard Chickens.jpg
Photo credit (because its not mine) : @Kiki
I think this is just about it from me this year! I have to thank all my beloved friends on BYC, and the ones I've yet to meet, for this lovely year! I hope everyone has a absolute amazing xmas..and a happy new year!! Hopefully 2021 is...less crazy...lets just hope 2020 wasn't just a trailer for 2021
! I am very excited for the future to come! Now, what are your thoughts about xmas, this year, and the next? Want to chat? What are your plans for the holidays?

Wishing you all the best, and a very merry xmas...oh - and a happy new year!!! Cya around the forums...
group hug.gif

Happy Holidays!
View attachment 2435157

View attachment 2435159Hello fellow BYC peeps! Tis the season to be jolly...yes! It's our favourite time of the year! Christmas! I love xmas, and wish you all lovely holidays this year!View attachment 2435160
View attachment 2435158
It's true - this is my first year of xmas on BYCView attachment 2435162! So, I'm super hyped, and wanted to do something special for you all! A xmas BYC thread! I have decided that I may as well start up a tradition, that I post a thread like this each xmas holiday :). This thread should be all about spreading the love and the beauty of the Christmas spirit! I think we can all agree...this year has been...different. Many things happened this year - some good, the majority, not so good. Like covid, that was tough - and still is! Many people are suffering or are effected in some shape or form from the virus. I hope you all are safe and well:hugs! Merry Christmas everyone! :wee
View attachment 2435166
View attachment 2435167 We are so lucky to have an amazing owner of this website: @Nifty-Chicken .Lucky for us, he has given us and early xmas prezzie! View attachment 2435167
This year, we have been really goodView attachment 2435170! Our early prezzie is new reaction emojis! There is a Informative one:View attachment 2435174 and a love heart (replaces the love eyes reaction):View attachment 2435175
I think they are really cool! It was great to have a little change! I can see everyone using them! ;) Thanks @Nifty-Chicken , and everyone who supported the idea! :)
New reaction selection:View attachment 2435176Photo credit (because its not mine) : @Kiki
I think this is just about it from me this year! I have to thank all my beloved friends on BYC, and the ones I've yet to meet, for this lovely year! I hope everyone has a absolute amazing xmas..and a happy new year!! Hopefully 2021 is...less crazy...lets just hope 2020 wasn't just a trailer for 2021View attachment 2435178! I am very excited for the future to come! Now, what are your thoughts about xmas, this year, and the next? Want to chat? What are your plans for the holidays?

Wishing you all the best, and a very merry xmas...oh - and a happy new year!!! Cya around the forums...View attachment 2435180

LauraView attachment 2435181View attachment 2435182

Merry Christmas!!!!:celebrate
Hi Laura,

I guess I'll start...

I actually had a very good year, Covid-19 aside.

I finally started to come back from being lost after the sudden death of my father. He died three years ago this Saturday. I became nearly non-functional. This January, I finally started to pull out of the nose dive I was in.

I've accomplished a great deal this year despite many hurdles in my path and I'm grateful to have done them. My dad's house is under contract to be sold and the buyers are helping me finish the work needed on the house. It's a very bizarre circumstance to be in as a former house flipper. They are great people and I am getting much needed closure letting go of dad's house and my childhood home. A new couple is going to raise their family there and that is a beautiful thing!

This summer, I was able to find and flip a much more appropriate house for my mother to live in. And my disabled sister will be moving up from Texas to live with her too. She will also benefit from that work.

I've been fortunate enough to work for an essential business and didn't lose my income and have remained healthy throughout the year.

I reconnected with a sister I haven't spoken to since the flood of 2011.

My house is still under construction but I look forward to being able to decorate for the holidays next year! It will be the first time since the flood as I've moved from flip to flip for 5 years and haven't been able to finish my own home for other reasons. But I'll get it done next year and can't wait to live like normal people!!

I miss having a tree and just looking at it in the evenings with only the lights on the tree to illuminate the room.

Happy Holidays to everyone here on BYC! :hugs :love
Happy holidays to all and Merry Christmas! I really like the new heart reaction emoji! Not sure I understand the "info" one but I guess I'll catch on! Just so grateful to have survived 2020 so far! It's almost over, hooray, we are in the home stretch, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, woot woot! So grateful for all my BYC friends! ❤
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like many here, Covid colored my year---Daughter's wedding plans cancelled/then altered, but a safe, small ceremony in our decorated barn was just lovely. New grandson arrived in Nov. without his Nana at the hospital--it was hard having to wait 3 days to hold him! granddaughter(12) is suffering through online school, and misses normalcy. New baby brother is a much needed diversion and blessing.
Hubby and I are doing ok healthwise--we have all been extremely careful, and treasure that our family unit of now 7 can eat dinner together every night at each other's houses on our farm. Our circle is tiny, but better than some have it!
Wishing blessings for everyone here, and hope for a better New Year!
Hi Laura,

I guess I'll start...

I actually had a very good year, Covid-19 aside.

I finally started to come back from being lost after the sudden death of my father. He died three years ago this Saturday. I became nearly non-functional. This January, I finally started to pull out of the nose dive I was in.

I've accomplished a great deal this year despite many hurdles in my path and I'm grateful to have done them. My dad's house is under contract to be sold and the buyers are helping me finish the work needed on the house. It's a very bizarre circumstance to be in as a former house flipper. They are great people and I am getting much needed closure letting go of dad's house and my childhood home. A new couple is going to raise their family there and that is a beautiful thing!

This summer, I was able to find and flip a much more appropriate house for my mother to live in. And my disabled sister will be moving up from Texas to live with her too. She will also benefit from that work.

I've been fortunate enough to work for an essential business and didn't lose my income and have remained healthy throughout the year.

I reconnected with a sister I haven't spoken to since the flood of 2011.

My house is still under construction but I look forward to being able to decorate for the holidays next year! It will be the first time since the flood as I've moved from flip to flip for 5 years and haven't been able to finish my own home for other reasons. But I'll get it done next year and can't wait to live like normal people!!

I miss having a tree and just looking at it in the evenings with only the lights on the tree to illuminate the room.

Happy Holidays to everyone here on BYC! :hugs :love
Hi @DobieLover ! What a lovely story, thank you so much for sharing! Sorry about the loss of your father, I could never even imagine how hard it would be. It's great that you are moving on in life with a smile on your face. Excited for your house that is being built! Have a very merry xmas! 🤗:hugs
Happy holidays to all and Merry Christmas! I really like the new heart reaction emoji! Not sure I understand the "info" one but I guess I'll catch on! Just so grateful to have survived 2020 so far! It's almost over, hooray, we are in the home stretch, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, woot woot! So grateful for all my BYC friends! ❤
:hugs Thanks Blue! Merry xmas, and have a happy new year! :)
like many here, Covid colored my year---Daughter's wedding plans cancelled/then altered, but a safe, small ceremony in our decorated barn was just lovely. New grandson arrived in Nov. without his Nana at the hospital--it was hard having to wait 3 days to hold him! granddaughter(12) is suffering through online school, and misses normalcy. New baby brother is a much needed diversion and blessing.
Hubby and I are doing ok healthwise--we have all been extremely careful, and treasure that our family unit of now 7 can eat dinner together every night at each other's houses on our farm. Our circle is tiny, but better than some have it!
Wishing blessings for everyone here, and hope for a better New Year!
Thanks for sharing @cheepteach :hugs Hopefully, like Blue said, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 2021 should be a better year. :) Merry xmas, and have a happy new year! :D

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