--Happy Houdan's Chat Thread--

Hello! I have a 10 month old molted houdan who is the life of the party however it is spring and she has not layed is about almost two months, no changes in diet or behavior wondering if anyone know if this is normal?
Hello! I have a 10 month old molted houdan who is the life of the party however it is spring and she has not layed is about almost two months, no changes in diet or behavior wondering if anyone know if this is normal?
Try posting in the Chicken Behaviors and Egg Laying section of the forum.
Good luck!

I hatched out my houdan eggs and my rooster was a white silky,,,,here is what I ended up with I think the grey one is going to be a rooster and the black one looks like a hen

6 hour old duckling verses 6 day old chicks

Alright when I said all ya chicks up agents the wall for inspection
I meant all ya all

Wow and the goslings hatch out next week


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