Happy Summer Solstice everyone!!!

Well there's a totally random reeting if ever there was one. Not Happy Summer, but Happy Solstice.

Well, whatever floats your boat.
Not random at all, Davaroo!
Maybe my boat is floating on a different body of water than yours, that's all.
Happy Summer, if that's what makes you happy!
Thought I would post this for those of you who don't know much about our wiccan, pagan, etc.... Holidays.

The Summer Solstice a celebration in honor of the Sun-God . Traditional Pagan activities of Midsummer is to leap across bonfires to promote fertility of animals and crops
Not random at all, Davaroo!
Maybe my boat is floating on a different body of water than yours, that's all.
Happy Summer, if that's what makes you happy!

Great response. Is that a Tree of Life on your back? The Avatar is kind of hard to see.

Happy Solstice.
Thought I would share this with ya'll. I wrote this when a young friend of mine was having difficulty in having his family accept his spiritual path.

What is Religion?
Why do you look at me with such disdain?
I see much anger and fear in your eyes.
Why do you fear me?
What have I done to you?
Or is it your own lack of understanding,
that brings your fear?
Is it my difference you do not understand and fear?
Are we so different?
Do you not search for understanding?
Do you not seek the answers why?
Do you not express your spirit in the way that you have learned?
Do I call what you do wrong?

You find your understanding within the walls of a church,
I find mine within all that the Creator has made.
You come to worship your god on Sunday morning,
I worship mine, morning, noon and night.

Is not your god my god?
Was not the god of Abraham also the god of Muhammad?
Was not the god of Buddah also the god of Jesus?
Do you not call to your god in times of sorrow?
So do I.
Do you not praise your god for the blessings bestowed upon you?
So do I.
Have you not cursed your god when your wishes were not fullfilled?
Sadly, so have I.

Do you believe me to be evil?
And yet my first "commandment" is to do no harm.
You preach of forgiveness,
Yet condemn what you don't understand.
Look into my heart, that is where my god resides.
He has taught me not to hate you for being different,
But to love you for who you are.
Has not yours taught you the same?
A quick search online pulled up this definition and I bolded a few
things that I believe, AS A CHRISTIAN:

“When one defines oneself as Pagan,
it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion,
one that sees the divine manifest in all creation.
The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple,
its plants and creatures our partners and teachers.
We worship a deity that is both male and female,
a mother Goddess and a father God,
who together created all that is, was, or will be.
We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings,
and accept the sacredness of all creation.” --

Call me crazy but anyone who acknowledges a power greater then
us, is grateful to that power, respects that power, and follows a
philosophy of love and respect for life, count as God fearing people
to me.

I attended a Wiccan wedding a few years back. It was one of the best
and most spiritual events I have ever been to.

The people and clothing were extremely sexy too.

(Sorry, couldn't help myself, but true nonetheless)
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Excellent post, PC!
I knew I liked you!
Pagans are very spiritual people. I am fortunate enough to live next to a practicing Creek Indian, that has shamans in their family. It has been a wonderful experience, and my children are learning a lot about that culture.

A word that I love is Namaste. It simply means, "the Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you." I think it is a beautiful sentiment, and suitable for any Religion or belief system.

Excellent post, PC!
I knew I liked you!

Keep your expectations low please.

A word that I love is Namaste. It simply means, "the Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you." I think it is a beautiful sentiment, and suitable for any Religion or belief system.

That is a very cool concept. I'm gonna have to meditate on that one. Nice.​
Happy Solstice to you as well!
If you check out my BYC page, you can click on the pics to see a close up of my avatar.
The peacock art was done at Sirius Rising at Brushwood... anyone been there?
Keep your expectations low please.

My expectations usually are low... it's nice to know that there are other people who respect others' values.
The respect is mutual...
you seem like a pretty cool guy.

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