Happy Summer Solstice everyone!!!

Handy tip:

We rent out a campground here (yes the entire campground) and close it down for the 2 days. We then section off the bonfire area with tents & tarps, completely enclosing it. That way we've some privacy and since it's a campground the campfire is legal. The funny thing is if you ask the parks & rec., they'd tell you buncha "tree hugging hippies" rent the place out.
eh, close enough.
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if i was able to come i would! we are expecting some pretty good rain.. at least i think so. i was on here when the weather started;)

Neat poem. It has a lot of good points. As a Christian I don't comdem you even though I don't know alot about you. I don't agree with most of what I know, but I don't condem you for what you beleive. Best wishes to all!! (even Saddina
What is it that you think you know that you don't agree with?
(That statement contradicts itself.)

ETA: Just trying to point out that most people who "don't agree" with what others believe don't take the time to find out exactly what the others' beliefs are. Most religions have pretty much the same morals and just about all religions pray, as well.
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I guess know was the wrong word.
I guess I should have said " what I gather" (please don't take offense to the terms I use because i don't know the lingo so to speak) I was under the impression that wiccans/pagans worship "mother nature" and other spirts. I would like to know more about what their beliefs are though. (
I'm walking on egg shells cause I don't want to make anybody mad
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