Happy Summer Solstice everyone!!!

It can be a very touchy subject... religion.
Without getting into it here, I'll just say that other than the actual personification/figure of God, the social and moral ethics of nature religions are the same as Christianity.
I have friends who are Pagan, Wiccan, Hindu, Native American, Athiest, Buddhist, and on other personal spiritual paths. We all know the ethical/moral way to live our lives.
I believe that spirituality trancends individual religious faiths.

And most people are unaware, but Christianity is the only religion that involves Satan. Therefore... logically... you would have to be Christian to be a Satanist. LOL! It's true. But I don't know any Satanists.
It can be a very touchy subject... religion.
Without getting into it here, I'll just say that other than the actual personification/figure of God, the social and moral ethics of nature religions are the same as Christianity.
I have friends who are Pagan, Wiccan, Hindu, Native American, Athiest, Buddhist, and on other personal spiritual paths. We all know the ethical/moral way to live our lives.
I believe that spirituality trancends individual religious faiths.

And most people are unaware, but Christianity is the only religion that involves Satan. Therefore... logically... you would have to be Christian to be a Satanist. LOL! It's true. But I don't know any Satanists.

Since it is such a touchy topic, I guess we will just have to disagree.
But we can still be friends right? Please, pretty please?
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Call me crazy but anyone who acknowledges a power greater then
us, is grateful to that power, respects that power, and follows a
philosophy of love and respect for life, count as God fearing people
to me.

I'd change "God fearing" to "God knowing" but thanks for saying this. The universe is big enough for many gods, and the ability to co-exist is what will keep humanity on earth for a long time.

The Dalai Lama says that what is important is to believe in something; as it makes us all better people to think of more than just ourselves.

Happy Solstice - I'm at your bonfires in spirit!
Happy Summer
Happy Winter

I can go with that.

"God Fearing" in my mind is more aligned with "God Respecting" than
"Be afraid of God". It's a cultural thing and means different things to
different people.

But yeah, "God Knowing" or "God Loving" work just fine for me.

The Dalai Lama says that what is important is to believe in something; as it makes us all better people to think of more than just ourselves.

The opposite of self centered is God centered.​

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