Hard boiled eggs?

2.) give them a ice bath as soon as they are done cooking
This does work make sure you let them set in the ice bath atleast 2-3 mins before peeling. The egg should be cold to the touch. Start at the air pocket and work your way down and add alittle bit of salt to your boiling water. (Vinger regular or apple cider vinger works just fine.) I cook hard boiled eggs on a daily basis.
I haven't had any trouble peeling my HBEs. My never fail boiled egg method is as follows:

1. Place eggs in bottom of sauce pan

2. Cover eggs with water, making sure eggs are covered by approx. 2" of water (up to the second knuckle of my index finger from top of egg).

3. Cover pan, Turn on high heat and bring water to boil.

4. Once water has boiled, uncover and let boil for approx. 3 minutes more.

5. Cover pot and remove from heat entirely

6. Let stand in hot water for 12 minutes

7. After 12minutes, move eggs to ice bath (I generally dump out the warm water and run our ice cold well water over them until they are cool to the touch

Perfectly hard cooked eggs that for me have always been easy to peel.
Fresh eggs are notoriously difficult to peel. If you let them sit somewhere dry for 10 to 14 days the whites will lose some moisture and they don't stick to the shell so firmly. That's why store-bought eggs peel so easily...

Now I have to find out if the wife knows about the ice-water bath trick.
I had trouble too but read a post to boil the water first and then add your eggs. Continue to boil for 15-17 minutes and then give them an ice bath right away.

I tried it and it worked, only 1 or 2 out of 20 gave me any trouble and they were freshly laid eggs
I think part of it to has to do with a stronger shell on fresh eggs vs store bought. I have been buying farm eggs for the last year or so before getting my girls and using them alongside sometimes store bought eggs you can really tell a difference in the hardness of the shell. The thinner store bought egg shells almost peel away whole when hard boiled but you have to take off smaller pieces at a time from the farm fresh eggs.
Just a thought....
We are usually very careful about what our hens eat and that they get plenty of calcium but caged hens from egg producers don't always get a balanced and proper healthy diet so they produce weaker eggs......
If you read the first part of this, it says to be sure the eggs are at around a week old first. I've tried all the things listed in this thread with fresh eggs, and no matter which I use they are still hard to peel. I've been adding salt to the boil water and plunging them into cold water after since I learned to cook, I didn't realize people did it any other way LOL.
The vinegar in the water is to keep the shell from splitting open while boiling, the key to easy shelling is the ice water bath, the faster you cool the shell down cold, it will shrink the egg away from the shell so the membrane doesn't stick. (as my gma told me years ago) the other thing is to take the egg and tap tap tap it all around the egg on the counter, kinda like many spider web breaks like a car windshield after a crash, broken, intact, but flexible, you can roll the egg around with the palm of your hand on the counter top, to mush the shell and make sure you cracked all of it, some times I can peel the whole shell off in one piece that way and hardly anything sticks, this is old farmlore kiddo...another thing, the eggs stay better left in the shell (hardboiled that is in the refrig) if you aren't using them right away,, then you can crack them and peel them as needed. A good way to preseve eggs longer. Good luck, it takes a little practice.

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