Hard lump under eye of one rooster ... what is it?


7 Years
Jul 30, 2012
Sherwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
One of my young friends has asked me to ask you a question for him ...

He has a rooster set apart from his other birds, it is a hatchery bird bought as a chick, was raised with a few other roosters, has been alone in a cage since he was let outdoors, only has a few other roosters in adjacent cages, and has had no direct contact with the rest of the flock (though no bio-security, either). This one rooster has developed some hard lumps under one eye. He had me look at the bird for him though I assured him I know nothing about sick chickens. At least I can describe what I found.

There are two noticeable lumps, one larger than the and directly below the eye, the smaller one lower and more toward the beak. To my untrained eye there seems to be no other symptoms: his eyes and nose look clear; he and his cage smell fine; he is eating and drinking; he is behaving "normally" though this is a bit difficult to evaluate as he is confined to a cage so I can't seem him run or "socialize;" he seems to have nice feathers; and he seems to be a pretty good weight for his size (he is not quite a year old). There are no open sores, I tried to check inside his mouth to see if the lump was visible inside ... but this was impossible for me.

I do think the lumps are big enough that the one eye looks a little squinty as the bottom "lid" is being pushed up from below, and he seems to have to work a bit to see around that.

I have no idea if this lump started out hard or squishy. I don't know how long the lumps have been developing.

Any ideas what it is? What to do about it? I've only found information about squishy oozy lumps with nasal discharge and gunky eyes, and this is not like that.

When I suggested culling the bird, I got tears as the reply. Poor kid.
I have a similar problem in one of my layers, Id be interested to see if they looked the same. Although mine only has one lump, underneath and towards the beak end of her eye. She's a little Welsummer, one of the flightiest of my flock so I have found getting a photo difficult! I will keep trying tho!
I have the same problem. Just discovered today in my Cochin. Any thoughts or ideas for help.
One of my banties has the same hard pink lump between her eye and beak. I poked it with a needle and tried squeezing it, but it is very hard and nothing came out. It continues to grow. Am hoping someone will have solved this mystery by now! Thanks
Welcome to BYC. Many respiratory infections first show up with facial or eye swelling, which usually means a swollen infected sinus. Some mild strains of mycoplasma gallisepticum or a virus called infectious bronchitis can cause this. If more symptoms develop like thick nasal mucus, coughing, pus in the eye or eye bubbles, then it more than likely would be something like a bad strain of MG, coryza, or laryngotracheitis. When pus forms underneath the skin it can harden into a solid mass. The original poster's bumps could have been totally different. Here is a good link to read about common diseases and symptoms: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

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