hard round balls on the toes


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
A couple of my rhode island reds have what looks like hard balls of droppings? on the toenails of their feet.....is this a problem and what is the solution.....no, pedicures are out!
It can get pretty caked on there and get bigger and bigger and make it difficult for them to walk, among other things.

You can soak them in water a bit and get it off that way.
Ok, so pedicures are out, but how about foot baths?

One of my hen's had a ball of our clay soil caked around her toenaill, and that's what I did. She squawked and struggled, but after a few minutes in the water the ball of soil loosened enough so that I could remove it.
like it or not, a pedicure is what is needed with a nice soothing foot wash.

You have to get it off. If left the balls can eventually lead to deformity of the nail or even the toe. Soak it and then pick it off.


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