Hard throat? Impacted crop? Please HELP!


7 Years
Nov 30, 2012

I think my Ameraucana has something caught in her throat but not necessarily her crop. She's about 3 and is a single house chicken. The last 5 days or so her diet has been very minimal, she drank water the Saturday yesterday and today and had some yogurt last night and some wet bread this morning. I don't feel a bulge in her chest/ crop (not an area I'm too familiar with) but there is a very hard but small impaction in what feels like her throat. Her crown is also very limp and she's not pooping at all really, just a couple times in the past few days, watery too.

Yesterday I looked this issue up on YouTube and i had her almost upside down while I massaged her chest and throat and a lot of vomit came up after doing that a few times. It wasn't green like some say but a pale brown and smelt very bad. I've tried a couple more times since but nothing is coming up really. Could it be that the impaction in her throat is too solid and needs to be digested? Last night was the first time she really ate (yogurt) and she has been drinking water on her own so I'm hoping this foods including the soggy bread this morning will help her pass it. I'm nervous though as I though since she vomited a lot yesterday she'd feel a little better today. I should add that she only ate the soggy bread after passing up scrambled egg and yogurt. She also stopped laying about 6 months ago if that matters (after she was egg bound for a little while). Any help or advice would be appreciated.
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She still won't eat and she's lost a considerable amount of weight :/ no water no food nothing, and she's incredibly difficult to force feed. She wants to eat though we can all tell I just don't know what else to try out and I'm very nervous at this point. She wants to eat the grass in the yard but I'm worried that may only make it worse.
We wound up taking her to a vet and an X-ray showed a small amount of rocks in the abdomen. The doctor said after 3-5 days she should've been better after putting her on a laxative, pain killer and a food supplement but she still showed no progress. We were pescribed an antibiotic for her since her food supplement ran out and Instructed to keep her isolated and warm with a heat lamp. She won't eat or drink anything on her own, obviously not pooping so she can't get these rocks out :(
I'm very nervous for her I don't know what else to do to help :(

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