?? hardware cloth for floor of temporary coop/ chicks?


15 Years
Jul 20, 2008
long island Ny
Couldnt keep them in the kitchen any longer!!!!Haa haaa.

This is my third flock and for each little flock we've grown a little in knowledge and experience...mostly because of the folks on this great website!!
This is the first time that I will be combining flocks. I have 5 assorted heavy breed 3yr old hens, and 1 "Old Mama" RIR who is 7 yrs old.
We just added 15 babies to the family. RIR and Buff Orps. (Plus the free rare chick who is still a UFO

I HAD to move them outside. They are 5 1/2 weeks old and pretty much feathered in. I'm on Long Island in NY and its going to be in the 60's for the nite temps this week so I'm evicting them from my house.

Now... their temporary quarters are an old rabbit hutch (LARGE rabbit hutch!) The flooring is made of 1/4 or 1/2 inch hardware cloth. I think its 1/4". Do I need to put hay in there or are they ok with just the wire? The wood shaving fall through the wire.
Other birds went directly on the grounds as they were hatched later in the summer months.

Thanks for your comments, suggestions, info.

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