Hardware cloth

So it sounds like I dont need to use hardware cloth as long as I build a solid coop and make sure they are in it at night

If you are going to have ANY openings in the coop, and you will for ventilation and/or windows. You WILL need to cover those openings with hardware cloth. Unless you want to have an inviting chicken buffet for predators.
I got hardware cloth through Amazon a couple of years ago...about half the price I could find it anywhere else...plus free shipping. Don't know what they offer now, but check it out.
I got hardware cloth through Amazon a couple of years ago...about half the price I could find it anywhere else...plus free shipping. Don't know what they offer now, but check it out.
got my hardware cloth from wayfair.com, don't know what the price is right now, it seems to fluctuate.

I paid 180 for 3 rolls of 4 x 50 1/2 inch, free delivery and 10% off

I used it on my windows, and did my entire 12 x 20 run , I did not want to find any snakes:)
I am definetely plan on usind it for the openings in the coop. I just cant afford it for the run. I plan on fully enclosing the run with regular chicken wire including the top. Has anyone had any trouble with animals getting into their coop? Im pretty confident in my abilities to build a solid coop but I aslo know how determined animals are. Im just going to frame it with 2x4s and osb siding. and probably going to use metal roofing just screwed onto the rafters. Thanks to everyone for all the great replies

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