Has anyone bred Pekin and welsh harlequin ducks together??

If you have a Walmart close by maybe tomorrow? They will have them.
Yes maam, that's the plan. We live about 40 minutes, give or take. Were out in "the country":cool::D She sure has spunk & energy... she wants to walk and get around so badly. I'm more worried about that belly, honestly. Hoping its nothing major. I'm kind of feeling like her legs are getting stronger. She stood up not too long ago. Yes......she did have something to lean up against...but she pushed herself up there, so praying shes getting better.
I'm so glad she's fighting so hard. She is the sweetest little thing and you are the best duck mom to love her so much.

You'll be glad you have a scale. I never thought I'd use one but I use it all the time for lots of things. I weigh all my duck eggs before adding them to whatever I'm baking.

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