Has anyone ever ordered form Efowl???

their prices seem ok for what you get-I have spent that much on a fancy gerbil lol. In order to get my call babies I bought a 150.00 Brower top hatch incubator, had 12 eggs shipped to me=29.00, 8 hatched, 4 got stollen by a good friend-lol they have a great home- so for that price you know already what color etc you are getting. At least I also hatched out 6 adorable silkies-I love my Brower and I hope to use it for many years, it turns the duck eggs side to side like you are suppose to and I dont have to run home to keep turning them like my old stryo bator-plus the temp has been perfect
Nettie- read my review on them. They stole my pic of my crested white duckling & used it on their website to sell their ducks. They tried to make it up to me but failed miserably. Look in the new BYC Hatchery Reviews (spreadsheet), you'll see what I wrote. They are shysters. JMO.

ETA: Now I watermark my pics.
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I bought 15 hatchery sexed female ducks from them. I will not buy from them again. By checking the postmark I traced my ducks back to metzer farms in california. I called them to find out what my "assorted" ducklings were. They were supposed to be hatchery sexed female. They weren't, metzer farms had no idea they were supposed to be female. I ended up with 7 of the 15 being male. Order straight from the hatchery, better bet.
i was going to order pekins from efowl, but no one wanted to pay that much for 2 ducklings (that was the most i was allowed to have, now i am allowed 3 cuz i wana keep one of my hatchlings IF they ever hatch). i wanted a pekin sooooooo bad!
I ordered from them back in February. I am/was very pleased with their customer service...and I'm very happy with the chicks I have from them. They did mess up my first order, though...but they refunded my entire order amount AND sent me the correct order. I'd order from them again based solely on how my rep responded to my complaints.
We ordered from them...were supposed to get 2 ducks and 5 chicks. They ended up having to split the order and sent the ducks first. Opened up the box to find 4 ducks and 12 packing peanuts!!!!!!!!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!! We ended up canceling our chick order after that because we were afraid of getting more little roos! Customer service was nice and the ducks are happy and healthy...and we have too many now!!! Anybody want 4 ducks?????

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