Has anyone ever seen this??


The Culling Queen
9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
I have hatched close to one thousand eggs by now and I have never seen anything like this before. It seems as if the white is seeping out of the pores. I suppose that is what it is but I do not know why this would happen. Only two of 26 are doing it.

Has anyone ever seen this happen to a hatching egg?? These are my precious White Marans and I have never had this happen. The bubbles were hard on one egg and the other it was sticky wet and when I rubbed it I could see the pore. I hoep it is just something odd going on. I am really hoping to hatch these!!

Bubbly is NEVER good. If that egg explodes or it's friend explode, it will contaminate the rest of the hatch and you won't be hatching anything at all.
Well , Craptastic, your job is done here then....

Thanks. Yappette called me Crappy earlier. I guess my job is done, I just WORRY. I do not want to read about the results of this tomorrow.
Well , Craptastic, your job is done here then....

Thanks. Yappette called me Crappy earlier. I guess my job is done, I just WORRY. I do not want to read about the results of this tomorrow.

The Queen of Crapdom...that's a dubious title, if I ever saw one.

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