Has anyone got Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Bird Keepers Lung/Flu)

Do you know how you got this if you didn't have chickens?
No they are not sure. I had pcc pneumonia before that. I had 3 bronchoscopies and ended up with interstial lung disease on top of my asthma. I had crystal scaring on my lungs which evently heeled.It took me almost 2 years to completely recover. Sometimes i will double mask and always where rubber gloves.
Has anyone got Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Bird Keepers Lung/Flu) from Caring for or cleaning your coop? I came down with it in December 2019 after cleaning my coop, without a mask, in October! Was awful, I was VERY sick. Its now March 2020 and I am finally getting better. Please people wear a mask when cleaning or handling your birds and the coop.
Thanks I was about to clean out a smelly coop tomorrow... it's been raining. I'll be sure to "suit up" ...
Has anyone got Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Bird Keepers Lung/Flu) from Caring for or cleaning your coop? I came down with it in December 2019 after cleaning my coop, without a mask, in October! Was awful, I was VERY sick. Its now March 2020 and I am finally getting better. Please people wear a mask when cleaning or handling your birds and the coop.
Thank you for the advice. Hope you continue to feel better
I’ve been following... is it the dust from pine shavings or dried poop or both that are so dangerous ? (Dried poop seems a given). We use hemp and the poop seems really absorbed- not really dusty at all. Just curious. I’ve never heard of these diseases so thank everyone for this info!!
I use the deep litter method in my coop. I use shavings & DE and only clean when the coop is really dry (live in Arizona at 3,333 ft) and have a big door and window, and two chicken doors, so I air it out. But.....got to wear a good mask, and last time I cleaned I didn't! That was very stupid.
I also clean it 2 times a year, in spring then in fall.
Can somebody tell me the symptoms of the different things one can get? Hypersensitivity pneumonitus versus histoplasmosis? I have had something for over 3 weeks and my doctor does not know what it is. I suspect it is either from potting soul or chicken dust.
Histoplasmosis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Feb 20, 2020 · Overview Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by breathing in spores of a fungus often found in bird and bat droppings. The infection is most commonly spread when these spores are inhaled after taking to the air, such as during demolition or cleanup projects.
What Is Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis?
Some sources of particles that can cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis include: Animal fur. Fungus that grows in air conditioners, humidifiers, and heating systems. Bird droppings and feathers. Mold that grows on hay, straw, or grain animal feed. Bacteria in water vapor from hot tubs.
They are Very similar.
Can somebody tell me the symptoms of the different things one can get? Hypersensitivity pneumonitus versus histoplasmosis? I have had something for over 3 weeks and my doctor does not know what it is. I suspect it is either from potting soul or chicken dust.
My symptoms with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis were: And they came on quite sudden: body aches, fever, dry cough, then could hardly breath. No runny nose, no mucus. Antibiotics and Prednisone cured me. I had 2 CT scans and many trips to the doctor to listen to my "crackle" lungs. Took about 3 weeks to feel better. But my lungs still are not the same. Might never be. Don't know the symptoms of histoplasmosis, probably google it. OK I googled it and symptoms are pretty much the same in both.
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