Has anyone gotten the Ebay "Easy Cheap to Build Chicken Coop Plans"?

Ewe Mama2

10 Years
Mar 26, 2009
Northeastern Ohio
I keep trying to find easy plans or kit for a very simple coop and I am pulling my hair out. I have posted before, asking for recommendations for kits or something easy, but keep getting told "design & build your own". I don't have the time or skills! I don't have a pile of scrap wood lying around that I can effortlessly whip into a coop while taking care of my five children (all under the age of 6). My husband barely knows one end of a hammer from the other, so we are well-matched in our skills.

We have 24 chicks, live in NE Ohio (cold winters, hot, humid summers), an abundance of raccoons , hawks, and feral cats nearby.

I want to know if these plans look easy for someone with no clue. I know we'd have to make 2 or 3 for the size of our flock.

I am getting desperate. I know it's just four walls, a roof, and ventilation, etc, but I don't know how to do it. I need step by step directions, a list of supplies that I can't even begin to screw up, and a nice pat on the back with someone saying, "You won't mess this up" (aka "Even you aren't stupid enough to screw this up."

I actually enjoy putting things together. If you can tell me the name of a kit or coop or shed to buy, please do so. I'd be much happier doing that than walking around Home Depot, begging someone to put me out of my misery.

I have already wasted almost $100 on plans that I can't even begin to understand (the Bill Keene ones that are advertised all over the internet were a huge waste of money) and others like it. I'm not an engineer and I can't even begin to interpret those designs.
chickens dont need much as u know and if u look on cl u can find some small out buildings for chrep or free u dont need to be gr8t at building things thats part of the fun and if u use screws and it works gr8t
and if it dont work take it apart and try again u can do it
u can allways ask at homedepot,lowes etc if they could give u the names of a local handyman to hire but if u just dont have the time or just want to buy something heres a few sites http://www.instructables.com/id/Turn-Old-Pallets-Into-A-Chicken-Tractor/ http://www.mypetchicken.com/Coops_Starter_Kits-c3. http://www.henspa.com/
I've bought plans off Ebay twice that were really great. Can you post the link so we'll know exactly which ones you're considering??

I have the chick Chalet plans and Dennis' playhouse coop and both of those sets of plans were very well done and pretty easy to figure out.
I built one of their coops and it turned out very nice. The kids helpd out and it was a great family project. It's been "in service" for about a year now and my chickens are productive, happy and even producing chicks
We're going to build a second one this winter to house our expanding flock.

It should pop up on eBay but you'll find it by searching ebay for the title of this post, and they e-mailed me recently announcing a their new website simplecoops.com . I've got to find a moment to post mine in their customer section.

BTW, they were great with support, lots of help via e-mail while we were building it and the instructions were easy to read and very comprehensive, more of a book/manual as well as plans.
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There are so many books available thru libraries (including via interlibrary loan) about building SHEDS, with excellent super plans and instructions and illustrated step-by-step. And honestly yer basic average garden shed design is generally as good or BETTER suited for chickens than most of the stuff actually labelled "coop plans", much of which has some real design flaws built in. So you might consider looking into that route...

Good luck, have fun,

When I was a kid in West Virginia, the chickens lived in and around the barn. It was my job to search thru the haystacks and cow stalls to find the eggs. Great times remembered. Not so efficient, but who cared? Now that I'm semi-retired with a few acres, I decided to raise a few chickens for eggs and the happy noises chickens make.

I'm a builder, but I didn't want to re-invent the wheel. Others have done the trial-and error bit, so I just wanted a good set of plans for a few yardbirds. I picked simplecoops.com because it looked to be well thought-out. The plans were more than adequate-in fact, sometimes overly instructive (I'm a builder, remember). They are aimed at DIY-ers, but the cut lists and economical use of materials were much appreciated.

My friends and family are quite impressed with the coops-two have indicated they want to build their own coops. I know what that means....hope they have my favorite brew on hand when I help them.

I see simplecoops also offers kits... this could be a good option for someone who can't or doesn't wish to measure and cut. Or maybe they just want it right now....like my friends.
You can buy DIY shed kits at your local Lowes, Home Depot, 84 Lumber or whatever lumber store you have in your area. My mom is building one for her lawnmower now. I think it is 8x10 and came with everything but the floor (she is using 3/4 inch plywood on 4x4 runners) and it cost about $600. Then all you would have to do is cut out a pop door, add a window or two, a few nest boxes and roosts...instant chicken coop.
Here's one at Home Depot

And as farmerboy said sometimes there are really cheap or even free sheds on craigs list.

Good Luck and most importantly HAVE FUN!

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