Has anyone had sour crop go away on it's own?

My bird has sour crop and we have made her be sick today and is eating blended chicken food and water . Will the sour crop go away by doing this along with the separation of her and the other hens?
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

It depends on why she has sour crop. If it is a simple case of sour crop, eating some moist layer feed, staying away from all hard foods and putting some probiotics in the water and keeping them vomited each morning, generally they can clear up on their own in a weeks time.

But if the crop is slow due to illness or worms, you will need to address these first before you can clear up the crop issue. Many times the crop problem is a symptom of something else.

Have a look at this article on crops and how to cure what ails them. It will help you understand what is going on inside your bird. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/impacted-slow-and-sour-crops-prevention-and-treatments

I hope you can get your bird back on her feet soon! Keep her warm too if it is cold where you live. Cold birds never heal fast.

Keep us posted! :)
No, not if the bird keeps eating, it won't. Does it smell fermented or is it impacted? Some folks say sour crop when they mean impacted crop.

Same protocol or all sour crop issues. Separate the hen, 24 hours with no food, only water with 1/4 teaspoon of acidified copper sulfate (comes in powder form usually at the feed store) in a gallon in plastic waterer only. If you can't find that, use 2 tablespoons of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in the plastic gallon waterer, changed daily. Day 2, add only plain yogurt. Day 3, add plain scrambled egg to the yogurt. Each day, massage the crop, several times each day, pushing toward the back of the crop, not upward. Day 3, maybe some soupy oatmeal added to the eggs and yogurt, but NO grains.
Lots of info here on sour crop, I believe it can go away on its own. Can you provide more details, what leads you to believe it is sour crop, what are you seeing and for how long? Is she still acting ill?

Edit: Thar ya go, what she said.
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Well, I'm not sure what it is, but from reading about sour crop, that's what it sounds like. She's acting completely normal, from what I can tell. It's just that for awhile now she has had this big "pouch" that's jiggly, definitely not hard. Should I intervene?
No expert just a beginner but I do give my hens apple cider vinegar in their water from time to time I imagine it sure wouldn't hurt to do that. I am writing down that recipe in my new notebook on recipes and medications etc. for future reference
Good idea...I will do that tonight. Does it matter what kind of vinegar and how much do you use?
Yes it does. Here's what it looks like http://bragg.com/healthinfo/acvdaily.html Do not use white distilled vinegar, only apple cider vinegar, and this brand is considered the best. You can use about 2 Tablespoons per gallon but people use different amounts - like right now I'm having a problem with mine so I upped it to about 4 T per Gallon temporarily. I tasted it, it's not bad they are drinking it and doesn't hurt them to use a little more..
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I would agree and you know I totally did not think of that brand but am familiar and would agree. It sould be easy to find. Good thought

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