Has anyone NEVER eaten one of their chickens eggs?

i NEVER eat my eggs lol. one, their bantams. not much. two plan on showing so i need all the eggs i can get for show quality chickens. would suck the rest be nothing and those eggs i ate were the ones
be just my luck too.. but i plan on getting a laying flock next year. will try "home grown" eggs then
I have never had one of my eggs either. I never really liked eggs- and then years ago, my brother-in-law put eggs in my refrigerator from his farm and I took them out and incubated/hatched them. After that, I couldn't eat an egg, at all.
I do eat eggs in food that I make that calls for an egg- but I havent made anything yet that needs an egg since my girls started laying. My husband eats the eggs, and so do my neighbors. lol.
Me either. Get them from the A&P. Just can't get my own past my lips. I like an anonymous source, I guess. Weird, I know.
When my older girls started laying I had to get past the I know whose butt these came out of phase.....

But now, I swear going out to breakfast is rather disappointing after having the richness and quality of eggs from my own girls. I recently had to buy a dozen store bought as my older girls had stopped laying and my younger ones haven't started. Imade hubby breakfast and he immediately knew it wasn'tone of ours.
WOW! I wouldn't have thought there was so many of you who didn't eat the eggs. We absolutley love ours. Fried, scambled, omelets, french toast, egg burritos, egg sandwhiches (yolks runny of course), egg salad, etc. And use them in general recipes for cooking and baking. We'll never buy storbots again. I notice much more flavor throughout the egg, for eggsample, the whites of storbots don't seem to have much flavor without the yolk, where fresh egg whites are very flavorful even without the yolk. Haven't noticed very much difference between the size of the egg either, small to large, all much more tasty than storbots.
On the farm where I got my first 4 babies from they didn't eat the eggs from the chickens they kept but ate store eggs.....

But I made up the first 3 eggs we got into a great pan of awesome brownies....

They do make a dfference..
good to know Im not alone. I will eat them eventually but right now it just seems....strange. Going to boil some up today for my son. If I dont buy anymore I guess I will have to eat them. Strange thing is I get them from my gram who gets them from my cousin and I have no problem eating those. Maybe just because with mine I know the chicken.
I have cooked with them. Ate one Daughter ate one and she ate a duck egg in her pancakes.

hubby won't eat BROWN eggs.. but the leghorns are laying now. He says he might eat them. I hope so. When all my hens are laying, I will be getting almost a dozen eggs a day (3 duck eggs included in that equation)

He works in Buffalo and I told him to have his employees bring in egg cartons if they want any eggs!

so I am a "sorta eat them" person.

lol..funny thread.. everyone is coming out of the closet! haha!
So glad to see I am not the only one who hasn't eaten their chickens' eggs. I will add that the eggs I do buy come from a Menonite Family store and aren't battery chickens.

My biggest reasoning so far is plain and simply the cost. I can buy a dozen lovely farm fresh eggs for $1.75 but I can sell mine as hatching eggs for much more. I do plan to eat some when the weather cools down and it's too cold to ship or incubate more chicks.

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