Has anyone used the vaccine for infectious coryza?


Sep 14, 2008
Lincoln, CA
Our grandson shows the Silkies at 4H shows so I KNOW they have been or will be exposed to this & other diseases. Even if we quarantine them after the shows, they could still have had enough contact to be carriers, so what to do? These are all pets so I refuse to cull & start over. I'd rather be treating 50 birds & giving shots every day for the rest of my life than to have to kill any of them. It would probably just happen again anyway. Seems to me that many if not most of the people on this board are in a position where their birds are in danger of contracting this crap (especially when you can carry it home from the feed store on your clothes), so why not just vaccinate against it & be done with it! I see all kinds of people posting what are likely symptoms of coryza but I haven't seen anyone recommend the vaccine. Are there some horrible side effects that I don't know about? It seems very affordable at around $58 per 1000 doses, so why hasn't anyone mentioned using it?
By the way, this is one of the most friendly & well educated forums I have ever joined, so I'm hoping some of you will have some knowledgeable & possibly brilliant answers for me. Thanks, Sheri
My chickens just had Coryza. They are still recovering from it. I did not use a vaccine, i gave them an antibiotic [sulfadimethoxine] which can be bought as MARVEL AID ULTRA CARE. It is an oral remedy that i found at my feedstore. Within 2-3 weeks you see improvements. i hape that helps. If not, here is a link that was really helpful to me when I learned my chicckens were infected.

Thanks Ham. Since I know we'll likely get it sooner or later, I think I'll get some of the sulfadimethoxine you suggested & just keep it on hand. I also keep injectable Tylan around as an "in case" treatment for whatever illness might be around the corner. I swear, keeping chickens seems to be an open invitation for Murphy's Law to take up residence at our house.

I'm mainly seeking info about the vaccine, though, as it PREVENTS chickens from getting the Coryza to begin with. That's why I'm wondering why no one mentions using it. I'd much rather give my chickens shots to keep them well than to try & treat them after they're sick. From what I've read, the vaccine is reasonably priced & very effective. I think I read that you give 1 shot, followed by a second & that gives complete immunity. I'm not sure if you have to do a follow-up yearly shot or not. If so, it would still be worth doing, IMHO.

Thanks again, Sheri

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