has anyones power ever gone off while incubating?

Okay, I jinxed myself talking about this. The power went out last night - day 7 for 40 of them and day 4 for the others. It was out for five hours. We had the generator going for just the two incubators.
. Candles going all over the house and started a fire in the fireplace to try and keep the house warm - since we had to run the extension cord through the sliding back door and that meant the door had to me open a smitch - and for a little more light but don't mess with my incubators - they are the priority.
My parents think I am crazy.
The eggs I had put in, three days before the power went out for 53 hours, were due to hatch on the 7th. Of the ones that developed, 1 was a quitter, and I have 10 that were looking good on the last candling. I'll let you know what happens.

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