Has my broody hen eaten her egg?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
I currently have my broody lavender orpington sitting on 9 fertilised eggs which are not her own (buff orpington) They are just a week on. Today when I went to check on her one egg was sitting outside her house, eaten! There was a small part of the shell taken out and the inside cleared. I found it strange that it was outside her house, in her pen. Do you have any idea what could have happened? It didn't look like the egg and been accidentally squashed and then the contents eaten, the shell was still intact.. any advice on what I should do or what you think happened the egg would be great. This is my first time with a broody and I really want to ensure the other eggs are ok. Thanks!
Maybe the chick inside had died and she knew some how. My turkey was sitting on chicken eggs and got rid of an egg one day. It was all the sudden and I am not sure if the chick was dead or not.
I seem to be having the same problem- Agatha was sitting on 6 fertilised eggs (not her own) helped by Bandit (both broody). Smokey is not broody and I suspect she is eating the eggs as we have 2 left! I found one shell and no sign of any others. Should I seperate Smokey? They are in an eglu with a 12 foot run so it would be feasible.

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