Has this happened to anyone????

Not me! I love our aerial shot! It's about 6 years old, and to this day, I love to look at it. It's a nice piece of family history for my children to have as well.
people do that?

He's referring to the aerial shot of my house. It's exactly what they do. They fly over properties (where there is acreage), photograph it, and then bring the printed version to your home and offer it to you for purchase. I really like ours though. I'm glad we got it.
How about one of those signs that says "this property protected by MY God and Smith & Wesson...come on past this point and meet them both!"
Me too! AND I feel has a sense of humor. What else could explain some things like chin hairs, and walking sticks (the bug) and the antics of chickens???

Indeed God has given us a lot to smile and laugh about. He is good!...chin hairs...YOU are funny!
one time I was doing chores in a shirt full of holes and a pair of shorts that had flying pigs and fluffy white clouds all over it. i forgot what i was wearing and jumped in the car to run something to the post office and it wasn't until after i entered the post office i realized I never changed out of my "work" clothes
people do that?

Yes, they wanted $200 for a picture of our property.

Yikes!!! Granted ours is 6 years old, but if I remember correctly (and no guarantee there!) I think we paid around $60.00. We got an 8x10, and also a wood framed 16x20.

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