Has this happened to anyone????

Mailman caught me today in my mightgown, a very low-cut nightgown. With pink lace and bows.
Im allways dressed when I go out even if its just pj bottoms,bra, t-shirt and slip on shoes.I have learned to be prepared for the unexpected when outside hence the allways dressed thing...
So no I have never been caught outside with less then I want to be seen in...
El Naked Neck, I don't mean to offend. Really. I give credit to the JW who do what they believe is the right thing to do. It takes a strong sense of faith AND courage to go door to door especially in these times. However, when I've asked several times to take my house off their stops for the day, week, month, or whatever, and that isn't respected, then they get what I give. And I too pray. In my own way.

Next time take the shirt off to wipe your face and say "woowee, it's hot"..

OMG, they'd run for sure!!!
Saddina, you probably made his day, LOL.

I hit the back yard in my jammies. I don't care. The one neighbor barely knows what the outside of his house looks like and the other one is rarely out back. Now when I go to get my paper on the weekends at the end of my driveway, it's like a scene out of Animal House. I look.....get half way there......look again, make a run for it, and casually walk back to my front door.
I have SO wanted to do this to my neighbors who sit in their screened porch and watch me do whatever I am doing in my back yard! and have the nerve to turn me in to code enforcement for having chickens.....now he just watches me take the JRT out for potty.....creepy!
great post...
. Im glad to hear i'm not the only one who goes out to the coop in undies or jamies in the am... I figure they came unannounced and uninvited I don't have to put a bra on to talk to them... now if I knew they were coming yea Id change out of my jamies and yup even put on a bra. hahahha

sorry to hear that you broke your toe that's horrible there's nothing to do for a broken toe but live thru it.. at least ya'll found some common ground to talk chicken.... they seam to be a great conversation starter and great to change the subject from religion..

bb )O(
love ur house and yard btw but yeas i hate when people come into my room when I'm still sleeping for all i know i could have been drooling or in my undies

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