Hatch-A-Long; GemmaGA's Very First Incubator Hatch!

Hope I’m not hijacking this thread or anything, but quick incubating question:

I have been away for work for a few days and will get home tonight. It’ll be day 7 so I am looking forward to candling them for the first time and am hoping for good things!! When you candle, do you move around where they are in the turner or leave them in their original spot for the entire incubation period?
I think its ok to move them - I would just make sure you are keeping them pointy end down in the incubator :)
Hello fine people of BYC!

So my husband bought me an incubator for Christmas. We lost some chickens to a predator including my totally awesome, super spectacular roo, Scuba. May he rest in peace. :(

So I decided to try my hand at hatching some eggs - I set them yesterday (02/16/2022). Here's what we've got cookin' over here - the 'mix' eggs could have either a Langshan pappa or a Double Laced Barnevelder pappa:

4 - Silkie (possible Frizzle!)

4- Lavender Orpington

Backyard Mix batch:

1- Copper Maran mix

1 - Sapphire Egger mix

1- pure Barnevelder

1- Australorp Mix

1 - Silver Spangled Hamburg mix

1- Pandenseca mix

1 - Cochin mix

1 - Buff Orpington mix

1 - Brown Leghorn mix

3 - Mystery eggs

Wish me luck! I seem to have quite the variety and it will be interesting to see what hatches out of these and what kind of funky chickens I get out of the mixed batch!

Edit: Did I mention I bought them off ebay? I'll report back on my success - I bought from sellers near to me so the eggs wouldn't spend a lot of time in transit. All of the eggs got here in a day or two max. I'll candle @ Day 4 and see how it's going.
Woo! Please keep me posted. @ me when they hatch/pip/zip please! I would LOVE to see! :D

I picked up some duck eggs and popped them under a broody hen, today.

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