Hatch-ALong - Setting first eggs 4/5, hatch day 4/26. Anyone want to join me?

Congrats everyone on all the pips/peeps and newly hatched chicks!! So far I have had 6 eggs hatch.. one has a pip but not a big one yet, I think I can take a break from staring at the incubator and get some housework done
So far I have 3 out of 5 hatched. They hatched early this morning, and I woke up to chirping. I was so excited. Hopefully the other 2 will hatch soon. I'll post pics later
Congrats everyone on all the pips/peeps and newly hatched chicks!! So far I have had 6 eggs hatch.. one has a pip but not a big one yet, I think I can take a break from staring at the incubator and get some housework done

Was I being silly or what??? I left for a few hours and came back to a hatched chick!! Then before dinner another one hatched.....
Officially entered lockdown with 8 + 1 eggs. Really nice veining in 8 of the eggs. The Lavender Ameraucana that I always have been iffy on I think is a no-go but I am putting it in just cuz I'm not up to an eggtopsy tonight. After weighing my eggs I am a little worried because 3 of the eggs have lost 19% of their weight, so we'll see.
Number three just hatched! This was the second one to pip but then stalled for a long time. Patience on my part paid off and it's now out of the shell! This silkie has a very vaulted head... I wonder if that's why it took so long from pip to hatch?
Ok I know you guys have asked this question before on this thread. But I went into lockdown last night and raised the humidity to 65% but I can't get the temperature to rise above 97 degrees. Should I Tampere with the thermostat or wait for it to go back to normal.
FYI: went into lockdown 8 hours ago

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