Hatch date starts: NOW:

I'm not sure about the two air pockets...but if there is a big dark spot (not a blood ring) then more then likely your good, oh and don't forget the veins but in colored eggs they are not always easy to see. Our baby we helped out is still in the incubator....I should go check on it but between my 2yr old and homework I'm chained to the living room...I hear chirpping so I think it's doing okay still. It's starting to stand longer so maybe??
No eggs have two air pockets bad or good that I have ever seen, what you will see in the bigger end is the air pocket and on the other end is egg white and yolk that needs to be absorbed. When did you put the eggs under the broody hen and what has your temps been like there?

The resource book I just read say you should give day old chicks (they are a day old recommend before removing from the bator) 8%sugar water to drink to give them only this for the first 3-5 hours before giving feed. they say it will get them off to a good healthy start. to make 8% sugar water 1 1/2 cups sugar per gallon of water I am gonna cut this down b/c I wont have enough chicks to use a whole gallon.
kid- Feb 18 was day 1 for the brown and white eggs and Feb 20 was day 1 for the green ones. Hatch days were 3-10 and 3-12. There were two mornings where the water was frozen over barely, but 30's in the beginning during the day and now it's up into the 60's during the day. Cheeks is in a spare "coop" that is filled with hay. No drafts. Very comfortable. Here is her set up (before I chickie proofed it)....she is in the cardboard box filled with leaves (her choice) But there is hay behind the box as well as plenty underneath and around

Thats very interesting thanks for the info. Does the same thing about full moon and pregnant women apply to eggs? Their is liquid inside the shell!
Well day 21 now and not a movement or peep from the eggs I am starting to get this sinking feeling like none of them are gonna hatch. Hoping this is just prehatch jitters. Hope everyone elses hatches are going great.
I got my fingers crossed for ya' kid-n-chickens! At least rachelj has some little peepers!!

I went out this morning to an exploded egg--
! So I wiped off the eggs the best I could, pulled out the remaining brown eggs and single white egg. I candled them and they were rotten. The inside of the egg just rolled around like Nyquil on the bottle. So now there is 3 green ones left and yesterday was day 21 on those. I candled one of those and it looked good, well, just not like the others I guess. My plan is to pick up some turkey poults on Monday and some chicks ifthose 3 remaining eggs are bad to slip under mama. I need to let my stomach settle before I thoroughly candle those though.

Anyway, hopefully there will be more hatching going on today!! Good luck!!
Hatch day starts this morning for me. I heard chirping from the eggs this morning but no movement or pipping. I have to go out of town this afternoon until tomorrow afternoon and I hope that they wait until I get back. DH will be here but I want to see them!!!The kids are so excited too. I have 16 eggs in there but out of those, I could only see into 7 when I candled them because the other 9 are EE (green) eggs. I think that about half of them will hatch. When I went into lock down, there were about 4 that were a little heavier than the others so we're hoping.
Well good luck everyone! Today must be the day for us as we have about 5 to 6 of our eggs getting ready to go. We had the baby last night we had to help out, it survived the night and is doing a lot better! Thanks for the sugar and water idea I have not heard of that
We got another one this morning on top of the rest of the ones cracked. We do have a egg from friday that hasn't piped or anything. One of our cracked eggs is a friday egg so it's late and it doesn't look like it's doing anything anymore
But I'm crossing my fingers for the rest and for the green eggs you have chicks4kids. Startingaflock, good luck on your eggs! Either you'll see the hatch or you'll get to see the babies, either way so long as they hatch it's a good thing right?
chicks4kids, sorry to hear about your eggs, maybe one of them green ones will hatch and do great. Stay positive all though at this point i realize how hard that is. I still have not had a single peep, or movement today.

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