Hatch Question


Free Ranging
9 Years
Apr 24, 2015
I haven't been on BYC in awhile so forgive me if I am rusty or don't give as much detail as I need to when asking this. We have 5 Khaki eggs under one of our broody hens that should be hatching any day now. One hatched out two days ago and the hen ended up smothering it, so it did not survive. We are worried that it may happen again, and wonder if they should stay with her. We do not have an incubator- we do have heat lamps but I worry that a new duckling might not make it with just that (this is the first time we have attempted to hatch).

Any suggestions or advice? I appreciate any help.
I haven't been on BYC in awhile so forgive me if I am rusty or don't give as much detail as I need to when asking this. We have 5 Khaki eggs under one of our broody hens that should be hatching any day now. One hatched out two days ago and the hen ended up smothering it, so it did not survive. We are worried that it may happen again, and wonder if they should stay with her. We do not have an incubator- we do have heat lamps but I worry that a new duckling might not make it with just that (this is the first time we have attempted to hatch).

Any suggestions or advice? I appreciate any help.

You can, as the duckling hatches or as soon as it is hatched, move them to the artificial brooder. I think the best bet is to remove each duckling before they are fully out of the shell, but when they are close, and make sure the temp is rght (put a thermometer at duckling level for heat lamp temp)

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