Hatched With Leg "Deformity"


Premium Feather Member
Feb 7, 2020
Happy Independence Day! I hatched out this little one a few days ago, and the second he popped out I knew something was wrong.
He was not an assisted hatch, and I was there watching him hatch so I know he came out this way and it didn't happen after the fact.
I'm not sure if this is a deformity or possibly a nutritional deficiency in the parent birds (which I also own and should have been healthy, however this was the hen's first breeding season).
I really am hoping it's something fixable, as my hen sadly died from egg binding a few weeks ago and her three eggs are my only hope at replacing her. I have one normal baby and this one. I have been trying to let him swim a bit to see if that would maybe help, but he swims with his leg out behind him too so I think that idea is kind of out. I can't think of any good way of wrapping it.
If anyone has any ideas or any tips please help.

Here is the little one. (Wet from swimming) He's drinking but not eating too well.
Poor little Duckie:(

I agree with you that it's probably a leg deformity. I'm not sure what you can do to fix it, whether Niacin may help? I know in Chickens, a deformity like that usually cannot be fixed even with splinting and vitamin support, but can't say for sure in Ducks.

Let's tag in @Miss Lydia @shawluvsbirds @Quatie and @HollowOfWisps to see if they have any suggestions for you. I don't have Ducks, so they will know much more than me.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost the hen, how heartbreaking and this is her babies:hugs
Poor little Duckie:(

I agree with you that it's probably a leg deformity. I'm not sure what you can do to fix it, whether Niacin may help? I know in Chickens, a deformity like that usually cannot be fixed even with splinting and vitamin support, but can't say for sure in Ducks.

Let's tag in @Miss Lydia @shawluvsbirds @Quatie and @HollowOfWisps to see if they have any suggestions for you. I don't have Ducks, so they will know much more than me.

I'm sorry to hear that you lost the hen, how heartbreaking and this is her babies:hugs
Thanks for the reply anyway!
I thought about giving b complex to it, I'm wasn't sure if that would help or just stress him more. I'll try it though.
I wasn't sure who to tag so thank you for that.
It was so sad when I found the hen dead, especially because her sweet little drake was laying next to her still preening her face. He is the nicest little drake I've ever had, and I hope I can get him a new girlfriend, even if it's his daughter. 😅
Can the little one stand or use it’s leg at all? I’m not sure if splinting would help. A good orthopedist could probably work some kind of contraption to pull the leg into normal position. But not sure an avian vet would even know how to help. Maybe. Sure is adorable♥️
Happy Independence Day! I hatched out this little one a few days ago, and the second he popped out I knew something was wrong.
He was not an assisted hatch, and I was there watching him hatch so I know he came out this way and it didn't happen after the fact.
I'm not sure if this is a deformity or possibly a nutritional deficiency in the parent birds (which I also own and should have been healthy, however this was the hen's first breeding season).
I really am hoping it's something fixable, as my hen sadly died from egg binding a few weeks ago and her three eggs are my only hope at replacing her. I have one normal baby and this one. I have been trying to let him swim a bit to see if that would maybe help, but he swims with his leg out behind him too so I think that idea is kind of out. I can't think of any good way of wrapping it.
If anyone has any ideas or any tips please help.

Here is the little one. (Wet from swimming) He's drinking but not eating too well. View attachment 3173906View attachment 3173907
You know if you could figure out a way to wrap and splint it in a normal position it could possiblity help. You would need to try and do it as soon as possible while it's still little like that and everything is still kind of soft and pliable and not fixed in that position. I say that because you know with their little feet sometimes they come out curled and if you just tape them flat for a day it resolves pretty quickly. But if you wait you know it seems like it's kind of stuck in that position.
Thing is I would say it'd be pretty hard to make anything that would stay on very good and still allow it to be able to get around to eat and drink. All you can do is try and see.
Can the little one stand or use it’s leg at all? I’m not sure if splinting would help. A good orthopedist could probably work some kind of contraption to pull the leg into normal position. But not sure an avian vet would even know how to help. Maybe. Sure is adorable♥️
Not really, he just scoots using his bad leg to kind of shove himself along. He can get around, but not well.
We don't have an avian vet anyway unfortunately.
Thanks for your reply!
You know if you could figure out a way to wrap and splint it in a normal position it could possiblity help. You would need to try and do it as soon as possible while it's still little like that and everything is still kind of soft and pliable and not fixed in that position. I say that because you know with their little feet sometimes they come out curled and if you just tape them flat for a day it resolves pretty quickly. But if you wait you know it seems like it's kind of stuck in that position.
Thing is I would say it'd be pretty hard to make anything that would stay on very good and still allow it to be able to get around to eat and drink. All you can do is try and see.
I tried to tape them like you would for splayed leg to see if that would hold them together, that didn't work. Then I tried using painters tape to hold it in a better position, that came right off. Now I have duct tape on it, and it's staying. I hate using the duct tape but it's the only thing that's worked.
I had to wrap around it like it would be when they're laying down. So far it stayed overnight! And he's hopping way better with it out of the way. It was the only position I could think of to wrap it in that would stay.
I'm just not sure how long to leave it wrapped before taking it off and checking. I hate to take it off early since duct tape hurts so much, but I don't want to leave it on too long either.

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