Hatcheries sexed chick accuracy?


6 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Southern Illinois
What hatchery did your sexed chicks come from? How accurate was their sexing rate?
I got my 8 chicks at local feed store that had hoovers chick boxes laying around. Of my 8, 3 are sex links. Of the 5 (marked as pullets) remaining, 3 look like possible roos! 2 easter eggers, and 1 Black australorp.
Made me curious about hatcheries sexing rates and which one is more reliable?
None are 100% because some breeds are extremely hard to sex. Wyandottes have one of the highest "accidental roos" rate. I have five Easter Egger chicks that I tried to wing sex to verify sex at one day old when they came in at TSC a month ago. One appears it's going to be an accidental roo.

The only way to get close to a high mark in sexing would be to get auto sex breeds such as Cream Legbars and Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans, but I got three accidental roos when I ordered some of those from MyPetChicken five years ago. They contract with Meyer Hatchery. Privett Hatchery is the one that supplies my local TSC.
Im usually pretty good at picking out pullets, but with the stores covid 19 rules here you are hurded around the chick bins in a distant line and arent able to handle the chicks at all until after purchase. So i may not have done so well picking this time.
I ordered from Hoover's Hatchery. I got fifteen chicks. Two sadly died within two days of arrival. The other thirteen were all hens.

The batch before that, I got nine chickens from Tractor Supply. One of the three RIRs was a roo, all of those chicks were from the pullet bins.

Recently I got four chicks from the straight-run bantam bin, one or two of those is a cockerel as far as I know.

I know what you mean about not being able to handle them before purchase though, it is quite irritating, partly because you just want to hold the adorable babies!

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