Hatchers Anonymous *Official Thread*

poke a small hole in each end, and blow out the innards! you need to push a toothpick in to pop the yolk or you'll never get it out. Then, allow eggie to dry & you can decorate or just sit it in a bowl & admire it!

Cool beans! I'm super excited to save at least the one!
Lockdown is Friday night im so excited!!! Biting my nails in anticipation!

In other news, i think i sprained my ankle. IT HUUUUUURTS!!!!
so its really hard to go upstairs where the incubator is. My sister can take care of the eggs though. Temp is a little low (98.8) but i plugged some holes so it should be going up soon. Now im off to work with my daddy to help him decorate his office.
thanks all for the advice.

I have 17 of 25 eggs hatched.

3 more have pips since yesterday morning - but nothing since...... I might try a little on the shell... but if I don't get movement or signs of life from that I'll probably stop.

how should I dispose of non hatched eggs? garbage seems weird? but I don't want animals digging them up if I bury them.... sorry question seems weird as I type it.
Tara, 17 of 25 is an awesome rate! Gosh that's...68%!!! Any time you get 50% or higher from shipped eggs (I assume they were shipped) you're doing great!

I dispose of my unhatched eggs in a ziploc bag and stick it in the freezer, then just throw out with the trash. I know it sounds kind of morbid, but....I feel like it's way more biologically sound than most of the crap that goes into landfills. Just me, though!
We happened to be working with the skid loader around the time of my first disposal, so they recieved a burial. (If something can dig them up from that depth, more power to it.) As the second batch had the weird brown liquid mess going on, I was concerned about explosions and potential smell. If this is the case: grab a sandwich baggie and double it back over your hand (like a mitt), scoop the egg, flip the bag back over and close. If there is an explosion, it should be contained in the bag.

I put those in the garbage, which did seem a little strange, but hand digging a hole in 100 degree heat didn't sound too fun either.
Tara, 17 of 25 is an awesome rate! Gosh that's...68%!!! Any time you get 50% or higher from shipped eggs (I assume they were shipped) you're doing great!

I dispose of my unhatched eggs in a ziploc bag and stick it in the freezer, then just throw out with the trash. I know it sounds kind of morbid, but....I feel like it's way more biologically sound than most of the crap that goes into landfills. Just me, though!

actually they are my own barnyard mutts
variety of buff orpingtons, RIR (I think), Red Stars, SLW roos are some sort of Copper/Red w/ Green tail feathers 2 Bantams and 1 Med/LF size.... kinda have a mix of stuff. This my first practice hatch and then plan to hat my own Black/Lavender Orps this spring as well as some Delaware Hatching eggs from a local breeder.

I was quite pleased with the the turn out for my first hatch ever. and have 2 more piped and 1 more hatched but not sure if it will make it. so thats 25 eggs, 17 hatched live, 1 iffy, 2piped and 5 more eggs unhatched...

should I candle them at the end of the day and see if there are any live ones in there?
Okay, here is the ginormous brooder:

And here are some of the current, 33 occupants:

That's the "baby-est" side; the older chicks are in the other half, which you can see through the divider (which is removable).

Here's the brooder in the new shed. It is 8 ft long, 3 ft deep front to back, up on stands for easy acces, and the lid has all these special covers to remove over wire hatch-type doors.

Linda LOVE that set up!
Might have to do something like that down the road. Have to see how far gone I get on this addiction!

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