HATCHERY Delawares...

I have 2 MM dels. Washington and river... they where last februarys hatch. I like them, washington is very friendly. But... they started molting really early, none of my other chickens are molting. They are in a full blown molt and there not even a year old. Just kinda weird.
Chickens usually go through a sort of mini-molt at around 9-10 months old, but I also had two Dels who went through a much bigger one than normal, then, including some significant weight loss and cessation of laying.
Mine hit a major molt just after they turned a year old old- right about when it started to turn very cold.

I have seen pictures, two live birds, and heard good reports about Delawares from Privett and Welp - if you can't find a breeder, they may be good prospects, I assume they vaccinate. It is something I am going to have to learn how to do, too. Yuck. I hate needles, even teensy ones.

Cynthia's Dels, among other good things, have tremendous personalities, and they lay beautiful large eggs. I love everyone of my girls.

What is this "all hail" poop???
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