Hatching advice needed/ hatching dirty eggs


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 7, 2017
East Texas
I have a 4 yr. Old hen, Lucy Langshan who has been broody more times than I can count, and hatched numerous chicks.
She is sitting on 5 eggs. They are about 8 days in. Yesterday she broke an egg, she cleaned it up but there is egg goop on the other eggs. I candled them last night and I can see veins in the lighter colored egg (the rest are olive and darker brown).
I'm worried because they are dirty with egg and a little poop too.
Lucy has always kept her nest clean before this.
I want to give these chicks a chance but im afraid there is bacteria in the eggs at this point.
I'm considering aborting this mission and giving her some TS pullets.
What do you all think? Anyone?
Please feel free to Express your opinion.
I've done an experiment where I cleaned 1/2 of my eggs with a 50/50 solution of peroxide and water and the other 1/2 I didn't wash. The same amount hatched that were washed and unwashed. I wait to wash my eggs until I am ready to incubate them, I don't like the idea of dirty eggs incubating at all. After my experiment there is nothing holding me back from the "old wives tales" .
I've done an experiment where I cleaned 1/2 of my eggs with a 50/50 solution of peroxide and water and the other 1/2 I didn't wash. The same amount hatched that were washed and unwashed. I wait to wash my eggs until I am ready to incubate them, I don't like the idea of dirty eggs incubating at all. After my experiment there is nothing holding me back from the "old wives tales" .
I assume these are too far along to clean?
I assume these are too far along to clean?
I'd take out a cup of peroxide and warm water, and a couple cotton balls. Clean them off and put them back in to the nest. If you want them to hatch you'll need to do this. They won't be able to breathe through the egg if you don't.
I would not wash the eggs at this point.

How goopy are they...can you get a picture tomorrow?
I would not wash the eggs at this point.

How goopy are they...can you get a picture tomorrow?
Not sure the goopy shows in this image. They are sticky. 20200426_170418.jpg
Hello everyone! Boy was I glad to find this. I'm having the exact same problem, however my girls eggs are a lot dirtier than the ones in the image. I moved her to a cleaner spot, however I'm worried about the eggs. If there are pieces of egg shell and yolk stuck to them, should I wash them? I would really appreciate your advice, this is my first time with a broody hen hatching her own eggs, so I'm not sure what to do for them.

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