Hatching advice needed!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, i am a new member. I live in Cornwall's countryside with my family and lot of pets.
Keeping chickens is my hobby, i absolutely love and enjoy it.
Trouble is i am stressed out at the moment because i have 11 eggs in the incubator ( manual type) and its day 21 and nothing happened as yet.....I did everything accordingly to instructions... Anyone had that problem? Please share your wisdom.
Sometimes eggs are late bloomers and dont hatch until a few days later, Sorry im not the best of help.. try this forum.

Incubating & Hatching Eggs
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

They don't always hatch at day 21 so don't panic. There are many variables to when they hatch and why. Just make sure your humidity is up around 65% to 70%. Open your vents wide open. When you see that first pip, (when they break a hole thru the shell to breathe) they can sit there for 24+ hours before they zip out. So be patient as well when this happens. The chicks are busy absorbing the last of the yolk and detaching from the inside of the egg.

Try not to open the lid now, and especially when any eggs are pipping. You can use damp sponges or even a wet cotton sock to get your humidity up if need be.

Have you candled them along the way at all? Are any of the eggs rocking or peeping? Just be patient, don't be tempted to break them out. They can hatch 5 days late and still be healthy.

Here is an article from our learning center on incubating eggs that might help you while you are waiting...https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101

Good luck and keep us posted!! :)
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X2 they sometimes don't hatch at day 21. Make sure the humidity is around 70% and open the vents. Put some paper towel in the bator where the eggs are so the chicks have something to grasp once they hatch. It will take them a while so patience is the key.

X2 on the candling too.

Two Crows gave you a good article. Here's a few more.
I am so excited to get all valuable advices and feel re-assured ! Thank you all for taking time to help me. Now i leave eggs alone, keep my busy hands off that incubator ;)
They are jersey giants and i will post pictures as soon as they are out ( hopefully very soon)
A friend of mine recently hatched some Jersey Giants and they caused him some anxiety as well being late to hatch! LOL
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good advice/links above. Good luck with the hatch, hope you wind up with lots of chicks!
Thank you! Yes, its lovely to get such great support! I only ever had baby chicks hatched under broody hen , never did it in incubator before so its exciting but bit stressful too :)
Just hope i get at least few...
Best regards

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