Hatching babies......


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
sweet home, OR
I have a baby!! I am so happy. Last night at about 11:00pm I saw the first sign of a pip and I could hear cheeping. This morning when I got up it looked about the same, so I thought it was going to be a long time before he hatched. But at 9:48 he completely popped out! Now he is snuggling with the other eggs, my guess is to keep warm. Should I put a paper towel or something in there for him to snuggle with or is this normal?

One more question,,, One of the other eggs has pipped, but it pipped on the bottom of the egg, is that okay or should I roll it over?
The new chick turned the other egg over so now i can see the pip hole and it looks kinda dry, should i try and put some warm water on it now or wait. The chick inside is moving around.

My first chick that hatched has like an umbilical thingy that is not bleeding but is red and leaving blood smudges on the incubator is that normal? He is very active and strong I think he will be okay.

I would wait on that chick for about 24 hours before any intervention. A tiny bit of blood is ok, so I think you chick is fine. It will take a few hours for the navel to heal.
The hatch is over, I had four of the five hatch successfully on died in the egg. Then I had one drown in the water dish. Stupid me I ask the guy at the feed store and he said "oh no they won't drown" then I came inside and one had. So i put rocks in the dish. anyway i now have three babies:lol:

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