Hatching Chicks With A Heat Pad And A Egg Carton Experiment

Day 6 (Chicken incubation four days)- The Jersey Giant egg has now stuck to the eggshell (in a ok way) and now has a bunch of veins and a lump in the center of the veins (possibly a heart?), the EE is to dotted to tell and the meat one turned out to be a big Jersey Giant egg. if everything goes ok, they will hatch on Easter Sunday! Also thank you so much for the support!
So exciting! Congrats! 😁
Day 8 (chicken incubation, five six days)- There is now a more visible, beating heart and a big black dot. I have a horrible light and it is definitely not a blood ring. Everything is going well for it besides a few temperature spikes, but it still lives! If it survives I might look for your guys' advice for the name of this chick, something unique and presents the will to survive... But I must not count my chickens before they hatch. Anyhow, the other eggs are not furtle sadly and I will take them out of the carton. Sorry for not updating yesterday, not that much happened anyway and because of COVID-19 and the quarantine. I had to do 8 ixls' and reach 100% in just a week, science activity, and THEY BROUGHT BACK MODY MAX! ;-; The horrors I have seen this week is pain.
Anyway, 5 have days, ya!
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Day 8 (chicken incubation, five days)- There is now a more visible, beating heart and a big black dot. I have a horrible light and it is definitely not a blood ring. Everything is going well for it besides a few temperature spikes, but it still lives! If it survives I might look for your guys' advice for the name of this chick, something unique and presents the will to survive... But I must not count my chickens before they hatch. Anyhow, the other eggs are not furtle sadly and I will take them out of the carton. Sorry for not updating yesterday, not that much happened anyway and because of COVID-19 and the quarantine. I had to do 8 ixls' and reach 100% in just a week, science activity, and THEY BROUGHT BACK MODY MAX! ;-; The horrors I have seen this week is pain.
Anyway, 5 have days, ya!
Yay!!! You should call it Survivor, Lucky, or Miracle, lol
The heat pad should probably last, as long as you aren't getting it wet. If the heat pad gets wet then who knows what would happen. But just having a small amount of weight on the heat pad shouldn't hurt it, because they would have to anticipate making them be able to endure people laying on them when people hurt their backs etc; people use heating pads then.

But I don't understand also how to regulate the temperature well. This seems like the hard part.

I've been experimenting with some homemade incubators also, and that seems like the hardest part. Like right after I turn it on, the temperature seems to look OK. Then I come back 5 hours later and see a temperature like 104.

Its pretty frustrating.

The China made incubator that I'd ordered only goes up to about 92 degrees and didn't work right. Then I see people on Youtube are doing homemade incubators. Although people on Youtube tend to over dramaticize their successes and not their headaches and failures.
I use a MagicFly Janoel 12. It's one of the really cheap incubators. It runs like a dream for me. I don't have anything bad to say about it. The lowest hatch rate I ever got in it was 80%. I also incubated a ton of eggs in it. Out of 186 eggs last summer I ended up with 179 birds. I also jam packed the poor thing when there was an emergency. I had 30 eggs I there, when the incubator can technically fit only 12. (if you wonder how I had so many, a guinea hen abandoned her and her sister's nest in the middle of the night) I got 29 of those eggs to hatch, and when I got them they were on day 8.
The heat pad should probably last, as long as you aren't getting it wet. If the heat pad gets wet then who knows what would happen. But just having a small amount of weight on the heat pad shouldn't hurt it, because they would have to anticipate making them be able to endure people laying on them when people hurt their backs etc; people use heating pads then.

But I don't understand also how to regulate the temperature well. This seems like the hard part.
Ya, it is a pain to regulate temp. but I am always here to fix it.
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Day 9 (chicken incubation, seven days)- I was so stupid! I but not think so well, I was only paying attention to that one egg! Guys! I lied yesterday, I was too lazy to candle the others, greedy of the though of one egg hatching. I'm sorry about that.
So today I was really going to dispose of the two other eggs and decided to check on them one more time and... YES!!! LIFE!!! They still live! If this works perfectly then I can label it with a 100% success! I took the other eggs from an ignored Jersey and an ignored Easter Egger, I 99% believed that they were not fertile, but they were! Yay! Also 2 more weeks till hatch day!

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