Hatching Chicks With A Heat Pad And A Egg Carton Experiment

I'm glad I only found this thread this afternoon! I could not have endured 22 days of following this hatch! 😱🤣🤣🤣 But now I am "all-in," so ..... fingers tapping, eyeballs snapping, let's get this show on the road! Come on you pippers 'n zippers, we're waiting for you with bated breath! Come to Mama!
It’s been dramatic, and I’ve missed a few pages of posts trying to catch up and want to skip to the end lol
Update (incubation day 23)- I candled #2 for a quick second and saw a really big blob that took up a good amount of the egg (really cheap flashlight) and at the narrow part of the egg a lightupable part. When I tilted the egg a little bit, it stayed in place. Is #2 getting ready to pip?
If they don’t hatch I would do an eggtopsy so you know what went wrong. It can be a bit heartbreaking but you’ll gain knowledge as to where the incubation went wrong and if the chicks even developed fully. That way you’ll know to try a different method or adjust your experiment.
If they don’t hatch I would do an eggtopsy so you know what went wrong. It can be a bit heartbreaking but you’ll gain knowledge as to where the incubation went wrong and if the chicks even developed fully. That way you’ll know to try a different method or adjust your experiment.
I don't know if I would be able to do an eggtopsy. I did that to the ee egg thinking that there was nothing in it and yes, there was something, it was a quitter. The poor thing quit at around 7 days. I vomited when I saw the baby, I just didn't expect to find this. This is my second clutch of eggs and I hope that at least one hatch.
The first clutch was from a broody hen and the eggs failed to hatch because of a stupid fox killing the mother on day 20 (her name was Jumper, my poor little baby) at night and they froze to death. I hope that this batch hatches, if not, then I am not going to hatch chicks till I am older, way older.
Have you had any news on your chicks? I have been following your egg hatching experiment for a week, I was really hoping it would work. I was gonna try your idea also, but without the egg carton, just a heating pad inside a container. Please update us either way!
Day 26 (chicken incubation, 24 days)- Nothing is happening yet, I don't know what to do, I want to help them but I can't. #1 is now a black goe and #2 is strange, when I candled it, all I saw was a see through yolk with a black center.

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