Hatching diff days? set same day!


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I set 16 BCM eggs and 12 Golden Coocoo on the 15th of Sept at 8:pm and was expecting all to hatch by yesterday. I had two hatch last night at 7:00 pm and three more pip by 10:pm and had three more hatch out this morning and then three more since. I have several more pipped today however about 9 have not pipped but are rocking. Is it usual for the hatch to spred out over three days and two of those days are past the due date? Or did I count wrong? Incubator is a LG with fan. temp held true at 99.5 from the beginning also the hummidity was good. any ideas?
2-3 days to hatch is pretty common here.I have had one hatch 2 days before the first of the rest of the hatch which took 2 days so we spread that one over 4 days
This past weekend took 2 days making them a day over for most of them.
The ONLY thing I have ever hatched that didn't take 3 days is guineas and they all pop out like popcorn. Eggs hatch at different times because of the size differences of the eggs, the closeness of the egg to the heating element in the bator and such. No need to panic.
There are a lot of reasons that they could hatch at different times, #1 being that I"ve heard that BCM usually take a bit longer, then there is the chance that the temps weren't completely uniform in the bator, some of the eggs were older than others, and on and on. A good rule of thumb is to wait 3 days after the last one hatches before tossing/opening any of the other eggs.

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