Hatching eggs are Pipping, is there something wrong?


In the Brooder
May 18, 2021
So my last batch of my attempt to hatch Copper Marans. I was watching the chick Pip, its beak came out and then this white oozing stuff followed. Is that something going on that is going to suffocate the chick? I haven't seen it move much more but it was like blowing bubbles. I can't open the incubator because a couple of others are also pipping. There is no smell, so it's not gone bad. And I did see the beak. Should I be worried or just let nature take its course?
Hmm, this does seem a little strange. What did you keep the humidity at the whole process?
50 for the first 18 then up to 60-70. The incubator is touchy with humidity. but I have been watching it like a hawk the entire time. I have Bluetooth thermometer in there so I know when it dropped. It has gone up to 73 at the moment.
What pretty eggs btw! Hmm, yeah fifty was always a little high for me. I got the best results dry hatching. It could mean that there was to much water in the air sack due to to much humidity. Posing a danger of the chick drowning. If I where you I might assist a little, and open the egg shell up around the air cell just a little, so you can see what is going on. But I am not an expert! Just what I’d do.
What pretty eggs btw! Hmm, yeah fifty was always a little high for me. I got the best results dry hatching. It could mean that there was to much water in the air sack due to to much humidity. Posing a danger of the chick drowning. If I where you I might assist a little, and open the egg shell up around the air cell just a little, so you can see what is going on. But I am not an expert! Just what I’d do.
Unfortunately, the room is like 50%. We've been getting a lot of humid days. Maybe I should just wipe it off real quick before the others start breaking through. I can be fast. Edit. I turned it slightly and wiped off the gunk, but I fear I may have been too late. We shall see. The humidity only dropped to 66 (for 10 seconds) and then went back up to 70.
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I would not risk the others at this point unless it's been pipped for at least 12 hours a lot of people say 24 but I think that's way too long. I'm not expert though. But I did lose a chick that I could have assisted because I chose to go by the recommendations of others. After that, I assisted another chick after 12 hours and it was perfectly healthy.
Unfortunately, the room is like 50%. We've been getting a lot of humid days. Maybe I should just wipe it off real quick before the others start breaking through. I can be fast.
Yeah, opening the incubator is not quite as bad as people say, unless it takes a long time for the humidity to go back up. You could wipe it off, I am just worried that there is a problem inside. Anymore movement, chirping?

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