Hatching Eggs for Sale - multiple breeds, pure bred - KY


12 Years
May 20, 2007
South Central Kentucky
We have the following hatching eggs for sale:

Rhode Island Red
Mottled Japanese
Barred Rock
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Silver Sebright

We also have some Buff Orpington, but there is three white cochin pullets in there, so there would be the possibility that there could be some of those eggs in there as well. The babies are coming out adorable and selling well here, so we are keeping those in there.

There is also some cute little mix babies that are from these possible parents: Pullets: Barred Rock, White Leghorn, and Rhode Island Red, and the roosters are either Buff Laced Polish or an EE rooster. Again the babies are turning out absolutely adorable and selling well.

Price: $1.00/egg + shipping

you can mix or match any of the above to get what you would like or buy a dozen. We are not getting enough eggs from the silver sebrights to sell a straight dozen of those (1-2 eggs per day).

Please pm me if you are interested.

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