Hatching Eggs - Paypal Swap Chain ok by Nifty Chicken

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originaly posted by herducks

mine 15pp please

6 silver duckwing oegb eggs
4 cochin eggs bantam,shipped next wednesday

never mind keep going
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Mine on PP.

My Offer:

6+ Bantam Easter Egger


6+ Bantam Hens Choice (could be serama, silkie, EE) no choice please.


20+ Coturnix Quail Eggs- in a few weeks


8 Guinea Eggs- Spring Shipping


3 Goose Eggs- Spring shipping


6+ Salmon Favorelle- Spring Shipping
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DESCLAMER: BYC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SWAP. BYC is not responsible for egg sent, received or not received. Please do not pm the mod about your eggs. PM me. If you do not receive your egg I can not make them send them but will make sure they do not play anymore. Please remember the HATCHING EGG AND PAYPAL CHAIN and shipping eggs are a gamble.
This is a place for swapping HATCHING EGGS however if you do not have any hatching eggs to offer you may offer a PAYPAL deposit in leiu of hatching eggs. EGGS and PAYPAL and nothing else. Any type of eggs are allowed as long as the 1st offer is 6 pure chicken or 4 duck or 8 guniea eggs 4 for turkey 3 for goose 12 for quail.
SWAP RULES - This list is subject to change so please check back periodically.
EGGS MUST BE PUREBRED! 1st Offer other offers can be for mixed.
If eggs are from mixed colors, please note color combinations.
Minimum of eggs see above for breed. If you would like to offer more, that would be fine too.
Please make you PayPal offer at least $15 the more you offer the faster it will get claimed and get you off the chain. No one likes to hold things up. Remember those sending eggs have to pay for shipping.
Please post a pic if you have one it will help your eggs move.
To qualify for accepting an offer, you need to post what you are offering in return in the same post.
When each trade is posted, please pm or email the person who offered the eggs and work out the shipping arrangements.
The person sending the eggs pays the shipping costs.
So that everyone gets a chance to swap the LIMIT is being set to 7 per week. You may use all your swaps in one day if you wish.
The new week starts at 12:01 AM Sunday EST
When eggs are mailed, swapper needs to send a courtesy email to the swappee to let them know that the eggs are on their way. All Egg Must me shipped with tracking #
All pure breeds of poultry are welcome in the swap. Easter Eggers are Welcome as all as they are non-standard color Ameraucanas. meaning mixed color Ameraucanas
Please offer eggs that you will have available to ship within two weeks of offering. Please send egg no older the 4 day when shipped.
If the thread stalls for 6 hours, try changing your offer if you can.
If you can offer PayPal after 6 hours please do so in order to keep the thread moving.
If you stall the thread for more than 24 hours TOTAL all offers combined you may not trade for the rest of the week.
If combining different breeds, write in pencil the breed.
Side trades are welcome but please use PMs to avoid confusion.
^^^^ Looks to me that CPL's post was referring to the fact that the thread has been stalled more then 6 hours. ^^
Just a question to clarify for myself:
Your OEGB are mixed colors right? Also-are your Silkies and Sizzles together? What color Cochins do you have?
My Offer:

6+ Bantam Easter Egger


6+ Bantam Hens Choice


20+ Coturnix Quail Eggs- in a few weeks


8 Guinea Eggs- Spring Shipping


3 Goose Eggs- Spring shipping

CURRENT OFFER from Reese Poultry
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Mine on Reese's hens choice Please....
Just add them to the other eggs you owe me.

My Offer:

6+ Serama
6+ Silkie/ Sizzle ( Silkie pen is White rooster x White & Black hens.....chicks will be either black or white)
( Sizzle pen # 1 is Lav. Silkie rooster x black sizzle hens & Porcelain project hens)
( Sizzle pen #2 is Silver Laced Polish rooster x Black or blue Sizzles)
This will be a mix of all three pens
( Frizzled Naked Neck Easter Eggers )
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