hatching eggs


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
My bantam is sitting on six fertile hatching eggs which I bought to put under her. she is only young and its the first time she has gone broody, she doesn't appear to be getting off the nest for food and water , so sometimes I lift her off ! she goes and eats and drinks , but sometimes she wanders off as if she has forgotten the eggs , for a dust bath. Please can you tell me how long she can leave the eggs for before she needs to go back and sit on them ? I am new to this too and I would appreciate some advice , thanks
Thankyou for replying . Also am I doing the right thing lifting her off once a day as some sites say yes and other no !
I personally don't see a problem with it. When the eggs are three days from hatch I wouldn't do it though. That's when they need to be put into position by the mother.
No problem. Welcome to Backyard Chickens!
Now my chicks have hatched and are 3 days old I'm worried because mum doesn't seem to want to move off the nest and take then to eat or drink! What should I do?

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