Hatching Eggs

Yes any where from 18 -25 days. As Amy said incubator temps can be a factor. I incubate polish bantams mainly and they usually start pipping day 19. Have you checked out "hatching eggs 101"? It's a super article here is the link > https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101
Wishing you the very best of luck with your eggs, hope you have a great hatch :fl
I’ve had them hatch under a broody and in the incubator starting at day 19. I’ve had broody and incubator hatches starting on day 21. Some hatches are over within 24 hours of the first one hatching, some hatches drag on more than two full days and nights. Each hatch is different.

There are a lot of different reasons eggs can be early or late; humidity, heredity, how and how long they are stored before starting, average incubating temperatures, even differences in individual eggs. Treat that 21 days as a target, something that is nice to hit but not something that is right on every time. This unknown can cause worries even if you’ve done it a few times.
Farm girl, I have 15 eggs in the incubator due today and one hatched two days ago.I'm sure everything isn't the same but I know they can hatch two days early. I'm starting to get nervous because that's the only one that's hatched so far, I think I'm going to candle my eggs tonight and make sure they're still alive. I've never had only one chick hatch.

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