hatching faverolles chicks


6 Years
Nov 16, 2013
I am hatching faverolles chicks for the first time. The first chick hatched and the last 2 toes look like they are still fused together. Is this normal?

This is the first chick.
Your chick is gorgeous!! Can't wait until mine dries off. I hope her feet end up being okay. She is walking around already, so I guess that's a good sign.
Thank you! She is so sweet. Loves to cuddle. Just feel bad because she is our only one. More in the incubator coming the last week of February (fingers crossed). Post pics of yours as it dries. My rooster has a crooked toe. Not sure if it is hereditary or not. Hoping not, but I was really worried about that. Good luck & congrats! How many more do you have coming?
Started with 10 shipped eggs. 2 were clears, 2 leaked in my bator, so 6 made it to lock down. 2nd egg has pipped as well. I'm not very hopeful about a good hatch. They only lost about 11-12% of their weight before lock down. I'm trying to keep the humidity no higher than 60%.
I also have brahmas that will hatch on the 26 of this month. When is your hatch date?
You will love the faverolles! We have one rooster, and 4 hens. They are all very sweet, and good layers. I'm thinking our chick is a hen, but not 100%. Our next hatch date is the 26-27. We put them in in the afternoon, so could go either day. We have a few faverolles, & the rest are mixes. They will be 1/2 fav., and 1/2 either ameraucana, buff Orpington, and even a bantam brahma and bantam silver laced Wyandotte. Can't wait to see what we get. Hopefully a better success rate than our last. Any mor pics yet? How are the feet looking?
The feet look great now! She is up walking, and 2nd baby hatched, and a 3rd pipped! The 2nd chick's tummy is a little bulged, like the yolk sac wasn't quite finished absorbing. His toes look the same as the first chicks did. I am using a genesis hovabator. This is only my second time hatching and I am definitely hooked! I love these little peepers! Now to come up with more money for more coops! :yiipchick


A quick update, 3 chicks hatched, and 1 has internally pipped! Gave the 3 their mareks vaccine because I figured there was no hope for the last 3. Should have candled the last 3 before I gave them their vaccines, now I will possibly have to open up a new bottle of vaccine for 1 chick. The other 2 eggs I can't see any movement in, and no internal pipping. None of the eggs have wiggled the way the orpington eggs did right before they hatched. These chicks don't seem to mind being held the way my orpington chicks do. I am so happy with my faverolles chicks!
Do you always give chicks vaccines? My faverolles are the sweetest. Even my rooster still doesn't mind being held. He is almost too sweet. Doesn't really stick up for himself. We have Guineas too, and I have seen them drag him into the coop even tho he is 3times bigger than them

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