Hatching Help Needed


10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Coastal NC
Help I think I have a biddie who is too young to hatch out.
It hatched out about 7:30 pm eastern time this evening.
It's now 10:40 pm and it is drying a bit but the eyes are still closed and it isn't moving around.
It's just laying on the pine bedding under the broody mamma.
The other chicks that have hatched out seemed to move around much quicker.

Is there anything that I can do to save it?
It is a silkie and this is the first time I have hatched silkies and only the second time hatching period.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks much
Posey, how is the chick looking this morning?
I was sound asleep when you called last night. Sorry!
If it hatched out it isn't too young. It would not be able to hatch unless it was ready.
If there is something wrong with it the mama hen will know and take care of it. I suggest letting nature take it's course.
Posey - Just keep an eye on it.
But I have a completely unrelated question if you don't mind. What breed is that rooster in your avatar? My neightbors have the same one who has fathered 2 (so far) of my chickens and I have no idea what he is! So beautiful though
The roo in her avatar is from my breeding. He is a birchen Cochin and has only lived here at my house and then to Posey's house. I bred him from my Cochins. He is a super roo. I really miss his sweet self.
He is really pretty! The one I'm around isn't quite as round but exact same coloring and from the sounds of it, they have very similar personalities He is a sweet boy (even if he's a lil rough on his ladies) and follows me around like a puppy all the time. He has gotten so close it almost scared me because he's so big. But he eats out of my hands and knows when I come home to meet me on the porch and we'll have some cracked corn
Thanks for posting Amy.

We went out of town for the weekend.
The biddie is fine, and so adorable.

that night when I was worried, I brought it into the house.
I put a saline drop in each closed eye and they opened.
I put the baby on a soft towel and under a heat lamp.
In the morning, it was doing much better so I put it back out with the broody mama twins.

They are taking care of all four babies. I wish we would have had more babies hatch out.
There were 7 eggs and only 4 babies. I lost one the first day of hatch. It zipped all the way around but the membrane was intact - when I found it it was dead. :-(
There are two more eggs but the mammas won't sit on them since the 4 biddies hatched out.
Is that normal?

Anyway, all 4 babies are doing well - I am just amazed at how tiny they are!

Tiny Chicken Lady:
Amy answered your question about my giant cochin rooster, Cezanne. He is a love and we think he is very beautiful.
Thanks for asking.

Hope ya'll had a good weekend.

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