Hatching May 1st - Who else?

I am hatching my first eggs ever on April 30. My boys and I are very excited. It looks like we are going to get 4 Buckeyes and 10 Delawares.
Awesome, mikebeam! I've got some Buckeyes and more on the way next month. Great to have you along...good luck!
Count me in!! I have Favorelles and Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas due the weekend of May 1st.... eggs that I bought from members of this forum. I also have some of my own EE/ mixes in that bator.

I am in progress of my 1st hatch.
I candled today, found 10 (9 really) were not developing out of 46ish total eggs in bator.
I rechecked the "bad ones" to question 1 egg, and I dropped it...cracking the shell

It was in fact a peep in progress..........OPPS

Well... the piglets got a nice warm meal anyway.

I have 23 Americaunas still good and 13 eggs from Barred rocks and Brown leghorns (all hens) mixed with my
Ameracauna Blue Wheaten roos.

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