Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!

Dang you must have a lot of water in there..
Yea, it's pretty humid here anyway but once the ducks started coming it went way up.
There's 5 that have been externally pipped since early this morning. A few look like they started to zip but then just stopped. Let me know if there is anything I should do to help. I'm just waiting now but I'm worried they haven't made progress in a while...
Yea, it's pretty humid here anyway but once the ducks started coming it went way up.
There's 5 that have been externally pipped since early this morning. A few look like they started to zip but then just stopped. Let me know if there is anything I should do to help. I'm just waiting now but I'm worried they haven't made progress in a while...

They zipped? How long has it been for them?? You may want to help those. Show me a pic of one if you can.
They zipped? How long has it been for them?? You may want to help those. Show me a pic of one if you can.
I may have the terminology wrong but they started to make the pip bigger. Here is one, I candled him and I can see his beak moving like he is taking short gasps of air...
I may have the terminology wrong but they started to make the pip bigger. Here is one, I candled him and I can see his beak moving like he is taking short gasps of air...

Ok give those eggs a spray of he's not out by tomorrow will help him. He's made a lot of progress. So I think he'll be ok.

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