Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!

Welcome to BYC! It's only been a couple days, but he definitely seems to be making an improvement! He is starting to hold his head up a bit more and can walk somewhat in a straight line, unless he gets spooked. Then he starts doing circles again. I was anticipating the worst until today, but I think he will pull through! Fingers crossed!
Not the greatest picture but you can see him in the front.
And I swear I just cleaned their brooder about an hour before this! I have already decided I need to get something bigger for them but I have no idea what yet! I don't know how I forgot how much they poop and play in their water!
Not the greatest picture but you can see him in the front.
And I swear I just cleaned their brooder about an hour before this! I have already decided I need to get something bigger for them but I have no idea what yet! I don't know how I forgot how much they poop and play in their water!

Cheap plastic storage bins make great, easy-to-clean brooders!
It's only a foot tall. Made a wire lid for mine


Oh yea, I guess I could do that too. It's been so long I forgot I did that when I had my chicks. And now that I think of it, I just dismantled that lid to put a window in the chicken coop just two weeks ago. It would have fit the bin they are in now perfectly! I am not always the brightest crayon in the box...
Welcome to BYC! It's only been a couple days, but he definitely seems to be making an improvement! He is starting to hold his head up a bit more and can walk somewhat in a straight line, unless he gets spooked. Then he starts doing circles again. I was anticipating the worst until today, but I think he will pull through! Fingers crossed!

Sounds like Stress is causing it to come back on, I would try to keep him calm as much as possible
Not the greatest picture but you can see him in the front.
And I swear I just cleaned their brooder about an hour before this! I have already decided I need to get something bigger for them but I have no idea what yet! I don't know how I forgot how much they poop and play in their water!
OH they get messier then that LOL, That's pretty clean

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