Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!

Oh. Ehm...I'm tentatively saying yeah, you should probably open it just to decrease the humidity, 90% is just way too high! But I also don't wanna bring down the wrath of more experienced hatchers here on the forum. :p Where's Lacrystol when ya need her?
Usually I crank up the heat and plug in a humidifier in whatever the room the bator is in for just such a circumstance; with call duck eggs odds are good you're going to have to intervene. The shells taking up space isn't an issue at all, just the high humidity. So if you have the plugs in maybe take out a few.
One just hatched!!! I shall call him peepers since he was the one chirping for the last 3 days! He is like a bull in a china shop in there! I thought he would rest a bit when he came out but nope! The others are making progress and they have all pipped!
Do they usually smell a bit funky when they are born? It's not a rotten smell just a bit off putting...

Should I take the empty shells out? They are running out of room and the humidity is in the 90s!

90 is pretty high but remember you have wet babies running around so that could be causing the high humidiy. If it doesn't go down within a couple of hours your gonna have to let some out because they will never get dried.

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